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I own a 1999 Clio 1.2 RN. It has standard the roundish black mirrors. Now I'd really like to have my mirrors in color and I've noticed that most phase 1 Clios with colorized mirrors have the same type as seen on the phase 2 and the Renault Mégane. These mirrors are more of a rectangular shape.
I find it really difficult to find a Clio with the mirrors in my color (632) which are manually adjustable and non heated. It would be much easier if the Mégane's are exchangeable.
So my question is:
Can I use the mirrors of a Renault Mégane (1998-2002) on my Clio (1999)?
Well I've got the roundish type now and I want the more rectangular shape one. Besides I have no clue how to paint them nor have I a place to actually paint them.
