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Mk 3 Clio Help

  Mk 3 clio (2011)
Hows it goin....just new to this ! I Have a mk 3 clio and put a sebring exhaust on it.....its hanging lower then i want it to.....wud like it up closer to my bumper any suggestions on how i could do this.....
  clio sport 182
ive jst done this to my 182 by going to a local garge (conviniently the one where my friends work) heating up the hangers on the back box of the exhaust and bending them slightly to get the exhaust tips to sit as i wanted them. so try this if possible and point them towrds the ground i think to raise the back box up which should lift your tail pipes. also check your rubber exhaust hangers are still in good condition.
  Mk 3 clio (2011)
Tanx m8...dint tink of dat....i used to work in a ford garage so i cud get dem to do dat or i was tinkin a differnt exhaust mount wit a stiffer rubber part on the exhaust mount itself ... wha u tink ??
