Mods if your reading this can we make remarks on here ?
I think its ok to comment edde, its not me selling it, I think its just odd that the clutch is gone, surely you would get that replaced before selling, maybe there is something more sinister up with it.
Exactly me thinking.
I'm intergued what spec its running auto lights etc are lost on the Cup wiring so whats he using?
COuld have mentioned the PAS rack as wel.
He say he wants jobs done right then gets drilled disks? Also Spax suspension hum my views on this is well known I would say there a job done right. Also only one key get that fixed might be a right bugger to do myabe impossible.
Reconed box and shafts for £400 wow put in in contact with that specialist. No remap with all those mods and he likes things doing right?
Airbag light ins't common it fixable sounds like the cars been in a crash(well his or the doner) and they hvan't got the codes cleared or havn't wired up the airbags right. if there using a crashed Cup setup then its not the side airbags which are the problem its the main one.
Shame its not a dynamic would sell better if it was or if it is why hasn't it got the bumper (more evidence of a posible crash?)
Only done 4k on the recon box and the clutch had failed hummmmm
lso why not do the V5 get that sorted sound slike someon hasn't told there insurance company.