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mobile phone dilemma

  Arctic 182
need abit of advice regarding my mobile. Its a nokia x6 which ive now had since august. About a week in, i noticed specs of dust appearing under my screen in the top corner, which seemed to get worse daily. I phoned Tmobile and told them, and they said theyd send me a new phone. Ive now had the replacement about 3 months and over the past month, its been turning itself off when its fully charged and not turning back on until i plug it in to charge again. Then theres other occasions where im using the internet on the phone and it suddenly goes straight to the main menu, making me have to open a new internet window and start again.

Im getting sick of the f**king thing now and im only 3 months into an 18 month contract. If i ring Tmobile to complain, would there be any chance of getting a different handset, or would i be back to square one with a replacement.
