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The 172Cup is the best. There, that saves 10 pages of Cup owners bleating on about how they are so much quicker than 182s ;)
  MCS R56
172 Cup because they are so much blah blah blah!!

But really - 172 Cup because of nicest colour and wheel combo.
  Now: 350Z; Before: Trophy
Trophy. The fact that it retains its value better than a 172 and all other 182s is proof enough ;)

R27 F1 Team Liquid Yellow.... but dont drive it in Lincoln already 2 going to be owning the streets.
  Black Gold with cup packs
Aviod the 172 cup.
Lacks toys big time
Air con, ABS, leather seats, climate control ect theres more just don't know it all, But that was enough to put me off it for the sake of 0.2secs difference to 60, ask yourself is it really worth it?
  BMW E46 330i Touring
To be honest the amount of money available plays a large part.

I'd say, value for money-wise, that the ph1 is the best because they're so cheap now. But then I would say that! :)


ClioSport Club Member
aye...if you can't stretch to 182 money, a Mk1 172 is the best option imo

amazingly good cars, i loved mine
  2002/02 172
the most you can afford in the RS range

horses for courses, swings and roundabouts, six of one half a dozen of the other etc etc
1.2 8V Sport Campus

Mate is gettign one bought for him by his parents. Lucky c**t. Only 17. Im going to urinate all over his bonnet.

Also. 8V < 16V

172 FF. 182 is good but im put off by the "boy racer" exausts. IMO.

If youve got the dosh get the 182 trophy, i think the exhausts suit the car. unlike the standard 182.
