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Most manly cars.

  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Cars woman would probably hate and look silly even attempting to drive.

ill start.






Atom 220a MS.jpg

lets see your choices.....


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Re: most manliest cars.

Monaro VXR, Ford F150 pick up, Lotus Carlton, Omega MV6, Jag XJR....

There's loads.

Re: most manliest cars.

'Manliest' sounding car I've ever heard (in person), watch this until the end. f**king love it.

376570_316460081713580_174549449237978_1341743_138  1318250_n.jpg

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Re: most manliest cars.

Omega MV6

I really want to buy a s**t one for £500, find a large empty car park and do this for hours on end, would be like going sideways in your living room, especially if it was an Elite complete with leather and grandad-spec wood trim.

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Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8
Re: most manliest cars.

shane's s15 does sound nice and is stupid loud... however he crashes SOOOOO much lol
Re: most manliest cars.

So this is basically a thread for people with small members?

I will stick to my fiat 500, nothing better to pull girls than a car they think is 'cute' but you stick to your mustang I'm sure you will be fine lol
