the cornering problem you have is because you haven't given the game enough time, its totally different to any car racing game which we are all comfortable with and can pretty much pick up and play any of them, bikes are a totally different way of playing though, its all about slowing down for the corners so takes a lot more practice, i say you should give it a bit more time, its grown on me as i had the same problem when i first started playing it.Brand86 said:Played it but wasn't too keen on the cornering at all... recommend PGR3, or alternatively wait for Forza 2, the first game was largely unappreciated by the masses but it was a corker, taking the best elements of Gran Turismo, but the implementation of the driving line allows a great way to learn every track. The customisation is also very good, not just parts can be changed but parts can be individually tuned to suit preferences/ racing conditions.