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MPG Counter

On my Cup the MPG counter never goes below 37.5 MPG.

I know im still running it in but even in town is still never goes below this??

Is it accurate or just Fcuked?


Mine goes well below that if I try hard enough.:devilish: You should be able to check it by resetting all the trips then put it on the mpg display (should show ---- to start with) then take it out & give it some. Mines been down to 14 when I do this (I know - must try harder!)

Im assuming that the cup display is the same as the 172 by the way.
  Nissan R35 GT-R

Yea my cup averages 24mpg. Thats reving to 7k sometimes and pottering around at others. An accurate average Id say.

If youre unsure. Fill up, reset the trip mileage, wait till tank is empty, then divide the number of miles on the trip computer by how many gallons your car takes. If the calculated figure is wildly different to your trip computers MPG reading then theres something wrong.
