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MWII - 3rd Person Cage Match

  172, BMW 120 Msport.
Anyone else get fed up with this?

Every time you want a game on it, Unless you have your mic plugged in, or you play 'headshots' with them, they aint interested in a proper match?

Its a shame really cause it brings a whole new dimension to the game i think.

Seriously, if you have to get your headshot/accuracy count up this way, Dont play the Fuckin game!!

Rant over :rasp: :rasp:
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
yeh its retarded, im sick of getting messages from people wanting to play "riot shield s&d boosting matches".... wtf


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Never played it, can't play anything at the moe is the server broke?


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
3rd person on team matches are great though, I like the fact you can see around corners without actually going round them lol.
  Fabia VRS
3rd person cage match, just say u will do headshots then just own them, they get pissed off and send you abuse you then just laugh :)

good times.
  172, BMW 120 Msport.
Was trying for 45 mins last night to have a proper game, Thankyou to my mate who joined the game to bring a bit or normality to it!
