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My bros ex-car....b4 and after pics

cheers guys

my bro actuallly sold it to a local boy about 3 weeks ago.

there were 4 in a car and he was just driving too fast on the country lanes.

hit a bend and rolled it, think it was characteristic saxo/106 lift off severe oversteer

all got out unscrathced amazingly.,

guess this is why ins people dont like young people with quickish cars
  320d M Sport

yeah yeah, its easy to say that when youre not there though innit? ive done it a few times and thought £why the feck did i do that?". Bottom line is you dont think rationally when thinks dont go according to plan!

dunno what you guys are rantin on about..........quick t-cut & a polish will get it lookin good as new !!........& that tyre could do with a bit more air !

main thing here i think can be replaced.....people however cant !!..... take it steady guys !!
