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My home internet password?

  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
FFS. I've got a spare 10 minutes, what's the issue, exactly, without swearing?

Are you on a laptop now?

I'm on my laptop.

I connect the phone to itunes via the lead as per my phones setting up instructions.

I input the wifi password as per its request.

I sync the phone as per itunes request. This takes less than 10 seconds as it's already been done 40 times this morning.

It says ''Set up iphone'' and all it gives me are three options; set up new iphone, restore from icloud, restore from itunes.

I click restore from itunes and nothing happens.

Honestly, I am so angry right now. This has cost me half a days work. The **** on the phone said it would take 5 minutes. I want to punch her.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I can see the new phone, gives the serial number and how much space I have free. But the phone is doing nothing.


ClioSport Moderator
I'm on my laptop.

I connect the phone to itunes via the lead as per my phones setting up instructions.

I input the wifi password as per its request.

I sync the phone as per itunes request. This takes less than 10 seconds as it's already been done 40 times this morning.

It says ''Set up iphone'' and all it gives me are three options; set up new iphone, restore from icloud, restore from itunes.

I click restore from itunes and nothing happens.

Honestly, I am so angry right now. This has cost me half a days work. The **** on the phone said it would take 5 minutes. I want to punch her.

Ok, so when you did your backup last night, what exactly did you do?

Plug it into laptop, open itunes, right click "back up iphone"

If that's the case, plug the new iphone in, open itunes, right click on the iphone, click "restore from backup".

If you backed up over wifi, then it's a different story, but I can only deal with one retarded problem at a time.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Rob that's what I did yes, i'm in the process of doing it again now. Whilst i'm counting down the clock as to how much money this has cost me today.....
Last edited:


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Daniel, your phone shouldn't actually do anything, your laptop does everything.


ClioSport Moderator
Rob That's what I did yes, i'm in the process of doing it again now. Whilst i'm counting down the clock as to how much money this has cost me today.....

So what has a wifi password got to do with anything?

On the computer, it should tell you when the last backup was, does it say last night?

A common n00b mistake is to plug the old iphone in and just "sync" it, not back it up, and then expect the same result.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Ok, so when you did your backup last night, what exactly did you do?

Plug it into laptop, open itunes, right click "back up iphone"

If that's the case, plug the new iphone in, open itunes, right click on the iphone, click "restore from backup".

If you backed up over wifi, then it's a different story, but I can only deal with one retarded problem at a time.

RESTORE FROM BACKUP!!!!!!!! You snapback wearing Portuguese fucker! I think you've done it! The phone is doing stuff now.
So what has a wifi password got to do with anything?

On the computer, it should tell you when the last backup was, does it say last night?

A common n00b mistake is to plug the old iphone in and just "sync" it, not back it up, and then expect the same result.


ClioSport Moderator
RESTORE FROM BACKUP!!!!!!!! You snapback wearing Portuguese fucker! I think you've done it! The phone is doing stuff now.

FFS. You sausage fingered yokel, stick to tractors.

Ignore the phone, restart the computer, open itunes, plug the phone in.


Right click and click "restore from backup" as we said. Purely look at the computer screen, read what it says it's doing up the top, i.e "restoring from backup" or whatever.

If it's stopping, the issue will be highlighted on the COMPUTER SCREEN. (That's the big one, with a keyboard beneath it, moron).


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Right, so I've backed up my old phone again.

Plugged in new phone, clicked on 'manually back up'

The new phone then had a proper screen, message icons etc, then turns itself off.

Itunes tells me to wait for it to turn itself back on.

It turns itself back on, itunes is telling me that everything is sorted.

The phone goes back to the screen where I have to select back up from itunes, back up from icloud, start new iphone.

Going around and around in circles.


ClioSport Moderator
Right, so I've backed up my old phone again.

Plugged in new phone, clicked on 'manually back up'

The new phone then had a proper screen, message icons etc, then turns itself off.

Itunes tells me to wait for it to turn itself back on.

It turns itself back on, itunes is telling me that everything is sorted.

The phone goes back to the screen where I have to select back up from itunes, back up from icloud, start new iphone.

Going around and around in circles.


If you're plugging the new phone in, and "backing it up" then no wonder you're getting nowhere.

You're restoring from your brand new backup, of a blank phone... :/

If you want actual help, install team viewer and I'll fix it.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
FFS. You sausage fingered yokel, stick to tractors.

Ignore the phone, restart the computer, open itunes, plug the phone in.


Right click and click "restore from backup" as we said. Purely look at the computer screen, read what it says it's doing up the top, i.e "restoring from backup" or whatever.

If it's stopping, the issue will be highlighted on the COMPUTER SCREEN. (That's the big one, with a keyboard beneath it, moron).

Done all that,

''The settings for your iphone have been restored, it will restart, this message will be gone in 10 seconds''

Just waiting now.


All I had to do to get my new phone working was put my wifi password in and it all worked.

Are you still no better off than you were 5 hours ago, or have you made no progress whatsoever?

Just think what you could achieve in 5 hours. It's a long time, especially to be frustrated for that long.

Day wasted?


ClioSport Moderator
Done all that,

''The settings for your iphone have been restored, it will restart, this message will be gone in 10 seconds''

Just waiting now.

Right, but are you selecting the right backup???

If you've been backing up the new phone when you've plugged it in, then restoring that will just restore a new phone.

When you select "restore from backup" make sure the date and time is when you plugged your OLD phone in last night and clicked "backup".



ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel

Iphone has turned itself back on and it's still asking me to set up the phone.

I've been hitting the ''Restore backup''

If I hit the ''restore'' button it warns me that the phone will be wiped and put to factory settings.


ClioSport Club Member
This was fun to read before going to a crap job today :clap:

That's all!


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Right, but are you selecting the right backup???

If you've been backing up the new phone when you've plugged it in, then restoring that will just restore a new phone.

When you select "restore from backup" make sure the date and time is when you plugged your OLD phone in last night and clicked "backup".


Why has nobody mentioned this until now???

You bunch of stupid c***s. How am I supposed to know that???

ffs. Trying again now...


ClioSport Moderator

Iphone has turned itself back on and it's still asking me to set up the phone.

I've been hitting the ''Restore backup''

If I hit the ''restore'' button it warns me that the phone will be wiped and put to factory settings.

Right, you have two choices...

You can install the program I linked you to, this will let me control your computer for half hour and sort it right out.

Or, I can type a "from beginning to end" quickly for you?
Why has nobody mentioned this until now???

You bunch of stupid c***s. How am I supposed to know that???

ffs. Trying again now...

It's for the same reason we don't have signs on pavements stating "please put one foot infront of the other to walk" mate, because to 99.978% of the population, it's pretty f**king obvious.
