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My Little 1L ibiza fr - daily


ClioSport Club Member
Ive not posted a while on here so after buying a load of bits for my Clio last night I thought id update on the daily and try and find my project thread for the Clio as well.

So after my golf going back at the end of lease, I was knocking around in my dads 1.6 Volvo C30 for a few months and it was crippling on fuel:

Untitled by blair mccaffery, on Flickr

So after moving house more into the centre of Glasgow decided there was no need for a big heavy diesel as I'm doing much less motorway miles, however being super lazy I still wanted DSG. I went out looking for a new lease. I spoke to my usual dealership and after a bit of a chat they could do me a good deal on one of these little 1.0 turbo 115bhp Ibiza FR sport.

So its 8 months in of ownership with a little over 7k miles on it, I've drove loads of A-B roads and also done a trip to London and back in it.

All I can say is this car has been the most surprising I've ever driven, you wouldn't know it was a 1L, obviously its not going to set any lap records but with the DSG and the tiny turbo it picks up quite well and being fairly light it can carry a fair amount of momentum if pushing on.

Currently ive just been using it for mostly short journeys and I'm averaging 40mpg a tank, however ive seen 55-60mpg on a long motorway run. Again very impressed being automatic as well.

Interior quality is not too bad either has all the toys I could want apple car play, Nav, Digital dash, cruise control plus half leather "alacantara" seats etc etc

so anyway thought id share.. its been a pleasant cheap experience so far, here's some pictures:

A70FB0A0-C463-4FD7-ADC3-860D1BFC3F76 by blair mccaffery, on Flickr

C216FF1C-BDD6-4A43-AE98-7857B8F2A57C by blair mccaffery, on Flickr

FC8FEFC9-BAC6-4079-86FF-CDC768BE8EE6_1_100_o by blair mccaffery, on Flickr

C18A3839-7ED1-4A77-82C9-5E3BDD79DB34_1_100_o by blair mccaffery, on Flickr

840D5CF7-DB88-47C4-B0F0-FA7C552D34F5_1_100_o by blair mccaffery, on Flickr

0BD2422E-1092-4626-AEF0-9B52B07726F3_1_100_o by blair mccaffery, on Flickr

-3569063779011239322_IMG_9477 by blair mccaffery, on Flickr

2692623881765627518_IMG_9478 by blair mccaffery, on Flickr

IMG_2959 by blair mccaffery, on Flickr

I much prefer this to the troublesome thirsty GTD I had for 2 years!


ClioSport Club Member
Didn’t know these existed. Really smart that. Think the missus might like something similar

Cheers mate definitely does the job A-B comfy and cheap

The interior and seats especially look really nice

I’m chuffed with it, I ordered before actually seeing one in person just pictures online and was totally surprised by the interior and performance for what it is.

That’s lovely! Would you mind sharing the lease figures? These sound interesting!

Thanks mate, yeah I’m sure you can pick these up online a bit cheaper now than what I paid but for ease of sale etc I just use the same business centre same dealer for all my lease stuff and they have always been absolutely brilliant to deal with. So I recon I’m paying a little more than you would online.

10k Miles per year, 3p per mile extra

£1000 deposit they added £200 contribution

24 month lease £252 pm

So definitely not the cheapest but ticked all the boxes for me.


ClioSport Club Member
  Cup 172
Yeah that’s not cheap at all😂

although on a positive note it looks lovely, like a squished leon. Haven’t really seen many on the road, very nice. I also reckon my missus would like one, small, 4 door, auto, nice looking.


ClioSport Club Member
I love how you say a pleasant cheap experience but you're paying 250 quid a month for it 😂. Looks nice though!
It's nice, but could be in a new megane RS for less

I totally get where you are both coming from, however its far cheaper to run and 50 a month less than what I was paying for my golf at the time as well.

I actually test drove a new Megane rs however it wasn't what I was after, couldn't do over 50mpg on a run out over the motorway or average over 40 pootiling about. then insurance cost and all the rest of it tyres etc etc etc not what I was after so yeah its cheaper.
