Ok maybe not to everyones taste but I thought I'd show some pics!
Stage 1
This morning I spent a few hours on the bootlid as it was badly swirled and had buffer holograms but worse it had loads of RIDS (random isolated scratches). First up was to remove the number plate.
First up though was to debadge the car. I warmed the letters with a hairdryer and then simply and quite easily sliced through the sticky foam with some dental floss
The sticky foam was carefully peeled off with fingers and then AB glue and tar remover was used to remove the residue. I was left with an outline of the 330 due to the clearcoat surrounding the letters being dull.
Next up the panel was washed with megs #62 and clayed with megs agressive bodyshop clay and last touch as a lube.
Then those Random scratches were wet sanded using megs 3000 unigrit and megs hi tech wash. The PTG was used to ensure no mistakes were made and approx 10 microns of paint was removed. Some RIDS still remained but for now I can live with them.
Given the cold this morning I went back to Meguiars #83 via a cutting pad on the makita and taped off half the bootlid.
To finish I used the conusmer version of menz final finish which reacts better in cold weather. Used on a megs finishing pad.
Work was then checked with the brinkman
And lastly HD cleanse was applied by hand and allowed to dry before 'removing' the hd cleanse with a second wet application of HD cleanse to esnure even coverage which was buffed off immediatly. LSP of choice today was Zymol Glasur
Stage 1.1 - more paintwork!!
This time the back bumper which had collected its fair share of scrapes over the years
Same method before 3000 grit, megs #83, menz ff, HD cleanse and this time zymol concourse
Didn't notice this scrape before :wall:
Stage 2
I have never been a massive fan of detailing an interior but I was looking forward to treating the leather with my new zymol leather cleaner and zymol treat. Smells of bananas by the way :thumb: Fortunatly the interior was pretty much unmarked, I swear the back seats have never been sat in!!!
As with all things however prep is the key before you go to the fancy wax
Previous owner liked her bronzing creams which had rubbed off on the hand contact surfaces and become ingrained in the leather.
So masked up with er m/f's and used megs APC cut 10:1 with a trusty megs triple duty detail brush
And after a good 15 mins of gentle scrubbing
And afterwards with zymol treat
Spurred on by this sucess the rest of the leather used up half a bottle of zymol leather cleaner and half a bottle of zymol leather treat. This has left the leather very soft and factory looking.
The plastics were cleaned with apc and then dressed with megs hyper dressing cut 3:1 water:hyper. Glass megs glass cleaner
Stage 3
Exhaust tips
Megs NXT metal polysh used with '0000' wire wool.
Stage 4
Alloy Wheels have now been refurbed - full front face refurb @ autosmart in Purton, Wilsthire
The guys lent me spare wheels although a few hairy moments when the trolly jack started pissing out hydraulic oil :lol:
Must say am very impressed with their tecniques 2k paint and wet on wet between layers
Stage 5 - Calipers and Hubs
Rich came over to see me today to perform his skills on my brake calipers and hubs - cheers mate very much appreciated :thumb:
He started off by cleaning each arch using Megs superdegreaser and some old mitts and brushes
Next up he degreased all the brakes and hubs and removed loose corrsoion with a wire brush before painting with hammerite black and silver
Left to dry and then copper slip and wheels back on
A couple of likley looking albanian valeters turned up
Stage 6 End of Paintwork correction
Finished this off on the weekend, the warmer weather allowing me to use IP.
Paintwork Correction Process was
The following shot are a mix of part correction and final correction with a mix of flash, sunlight and brinkman.
Stage 7 - Engine bay
Just a wipe over with an old pair of pants
Stage 9 - Final LSP shots
Now this was the most infuriating part as the second coat of concours didn't take well and it smeared creating some quite horrific smears/holograms in the wax. Thanks to Rich and Clark for some advice after which I washed the car, quick detailed it and then applied a coat of the dodo juice which blended things in!!! I was given the opporyunity of a coat of vintage which I may well still take up
But for now I had, had enough of the zymol!!!
Anyway - enjoy!!!
Anyway its now time to drive it!
Stage 1
This morning I spent a few hours on the bootlid as it was badly swirled and had buffer holograms but worse it had loads of RIDS (random isolated scratches). First up was to remove the number plate.
First up though was to debadge the car. I warmed the letters with a hairdryer and then simply and quite easily sliced through the sticky foam with some dental floss
The sticky foam was carefully peeled off with fingers and then AB glue and tar remover was used to remove the residue. I was left with an outline of the 330 due to the clearcoat surrounding the letters being dull.
Next up the panel was washed with megs #62 and clayed with megs agressive bodyshop clay and last touch as a lube.
Then those Random scratches were wet sanded using megs 3000 unigrit and megs hi tech wash. The PTG was used to ensure no mistakes were made and approx 10 microns of paint was removed. Some RIDS still remained but for now I can live with them.
Given the cold this morning I went back to Meguiars #83 via a cutting pad on the makita and taped off half the bootlid.
To finish I used the conusmer version of menz final finish which reacts better in cold weather. Used on a megs finishing pad.
Work was then checked with the brinkman
And lastly HD cleanse was applied by hand and allowed to dry before 'removing' the hd cleanse with a second wet application of HD cleanse to esnure even coverage which was buffed off immediatly. LSP of choice today was Zymol Glasur
Stage 1.1 - more paintwork!!
This time the back bumper which had collected its fair share of scrapes over the years
Same method before 3000 grit, megs #83, menz ff, HD cleanse and this time zymol concourse
Didn't notice this scrape before :wall:
Stage 2
I have never been a massive fan of detailing an interior but I was looking forward to treating the leather with my new zymol leather cleaner and zymol treat. Smells of bananas by the way :thumb: Fortunatly the interior was pretty much unmarked, I swear the back seats have never been sat in!!!
As with all things however prep is the key before you go to the fancy wax
Previous owner liked her bronzing creams which had rubbed off on the hand contact surfaces and become ingrained in the leather.
So masked up with er m/f's and used megs APC cut 10:1 with a trusty megs triple duty detail brush
And after a good 15 mins of gentle scrubbing
And afterwards with zymol treat
Spurred on by this sucess the rest of the leather used up half a bottle of zymol leather cleaner and half a bottle of zymol leather treat. This has left the leather very soft and factory looking.
The plastics were cleaned with apc and then dressed with megs hyper dressing cut 3:1 water:hyper. Glass megs glass cleaner
Stage 3
Exhaust tips
Megs NXT metal polysh used with '0000' wire wool.
Stage 4
Alloy Wheels have now been refurbed - full front face refurb @ autosmart in Purton, Wilsthire
The guys lent me spare wheels although a few hairy moments when the trolly jack started pissing out hydraulic oil :lol:
Must say am very impressed with their tecniques 2k paint and wet on wet between layers
Stage 5 - Calipers and Hubs
Rich came over to see me today to perform his skills on my brake calipers and hubs - cheers mate very much appreciated :thumb:
He started off by cleaning each arch using Megs superdegreaser and some old mitts and brushes
Next up he degreased all the brakes and hubs and removed loose corrsoion with a wire brush before painting with hammerite black and silver
Left to dry and then copper slip and wheels back on
A couple of likley looking albanian valeters turned up
Stage 6 End of Paintwork correction
Finished this off on the weekend, the warmer weather allowing me to use IP.
Paintwork Correction Process was
- Menzerna intensive polish 3.02
- Menzerna final finish
- IPA wipedown
The following shot are a mix of part correction and final correction with a mix of flash, sunlight and brinkman.
Stage 7 - Engine bay
Just a wipe over with an old pair of pants
Stage 9 - Final LSP shots
- HD Cleanse
- Zymol concours x2 (48hours apart)
- Coat of the new Green dodo juice wax
Now this was the most infuriating part as the second coat of concours didn't take well and it smeared creating some quite horrific smears/holograms in the wax. Thanks to Rich and Clark for some advice after which I washed the car, quick detailed it and then applied a coat of the dodo juice which blended things in!!! I was given the opporyunity of a coat of vintage which I may well still take up
Anyway - enjoy!!!
Anyway its now time to drive it!