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My New Car!!

  MK2 PH2 & E46 330

well... not really. but its my dads new one. and hes away on business so i had it for the day.

I love the looks from wee neds in riced up cars when they look across and see an 18 year old driving it.
my dads got a c200 very nice cars inside, his is slightly diff though
dont really get me mercs tbh!!
got merc 17s on though lol
  MK2 PH2 & E46 330
haha, so he let you drive it then - or did he know? ;)
he doesnt get back for another week or something. so no..

and my mum was like NO YOU CANT DRIVE IT. but i moaned at her and got my way. cause i mean... screw getting the bus when theres a perfectly good merc your insured on...
