Meg'd r27
Ok so a while back I had a problem of the 172 running on 2 cylinders, I had changed the coil pack,HT leats, spark plugs and both llambdas. It was still present after they were changed but mysteriously they just went away and all was fine. Just yesterday the same problem seems to have come back, on the code reader im getting both llambdas, secondary ignition coil and multiple misfire. Having changed those so not so long ago... 3 thousand miles max... if even, so im stumped as to what it could be. Any thoughts??? The odd time i start up it will be fine then come back or be driving and it will jump into life for a bit!
Symptoms are as well as the above:
- no spark from number 2 & 3 on the coil pack
- injector 2 & 3 not firing
Symptoms are as well as the above:
- no spark from number 2 & 3 on the coil pack
- injector 2 & 3 not firing