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N95 Black

  172 Cup 2003
i know i know this is quite simply a cun& then if you change the setting to first name then last still fooks it up our best solution....the people who you text put their first and last name in the first name box and leave last name box blank EG: DAVID SMITH all as first name
  Mito Sportiva 135
Can't you change this setting, as you could in the standard N95 then? I did it for my Dad as he didn't like how it displayed, although that was in the Address Book, not sure if the same applied to the Message inbox to be fair.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
I'll do that Dale, just stick their full name in First name. Was quite a pain really as I know a Thomas James and a James Thomas!
My n80 does it too, rather annoying. Changed the setting in the address book so it shows first name first but it still shows last name first in the sms:mad:
  172 Cup 2003
My n80 does it too, rather annoying. Changed the setting in the address book so it shows first name first but it still shows last name first in the sms:mad:

I know the feeling just does't make bloody sense!!
