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N95 Flash 7



Right whenever I try to go onto flash sites on my n95 8gb I keep getting asked to upgrade my flash as its out of date - apparently I need flash 7. Is there anyway to update the flash on the N95 at all?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
No, it runs flash lite 3.
Which is based on an older version of flash.
I swear the original plan was to get youtube running on n95s via the browser!

Its still that crappy external plugin isnt it? Only allows top100 clips!


So basically flash is pointless on it then because nothing will load unless you have the latest version....fantastic :rolleyes:


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Flash is/was never intended for mobile use.

Thank the lord you have an N95 8gb thats capable of doing flash in the browser, its better than nothing.
