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N96/Nokia 5800 Xpress - which one??


Had the N96 12 months now and to be honest it's not a bad little phone despite it's firmware issues.
I've today received the Nokia 5800 Xpress music phone as my free upgrade and I can't decide which phone to keep!

The N96 is worth £140~ to phone recycling websites and the 5800 is selling on eBay for similar prices!

I got a 5800 on contract and kept the n96.

The touch screen is nice but the 5800 seemed more of a gimmick phone to me than the n96.

Use both for a week and see which you prefer.

With the n96 are you on firmware 30? Just updated mine and all seems fine, bar it now vibrates when it rings when charging :S A reset will probably fix it but can't be arsed.
  ST a big Nokia fan especially the N series range but after the two bad experiences this year with the N85 and the N97 i've went back to blackberry, i think Nokia have lost their 'touch' a little of the last few years.

The 5800 is a little too much pay as you go and gimmicky for my liking.


Yeah I know what you mean about the 5800, had a bit of a play with it and it all seems a bit of gimmick to me.

As for the firmware on the N96, I'm running 12.043 and it states no updates available :dapprove:

Think I'll be sticking with the N to be honest, seems a much more capable phone.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
i had the same thing with the firmware on my n96.

i took it to a nokia repair shop and they put the latest on there fior me 3.33.3 or something
  Never above 25mpg
Ive been using my 5800 since August and I've been happy with it, I've got plenty of phones to choose from and I usually hate touchscreens so thats my opinion :)
Yeah I know what you mean about the 5800, had a bit of a play with it and it all seems a bit of gimmick to me.

As for the firmware on the N96, I'm running 12.043 and it states no updates available :dapprove:

Think I'll be sticking with the N to be honest, seems a much more capable phone.

Strange thats 2 versions behind. Have you tried looking for an update with PC suite, as I found OTA was always out of date..

My update came out about 4 months after it was released, maybe it will come soon.. Easy enough to change the product code for one that works if you're having problems though.


Tried most of the UK/Euro codes on that page last night John to no avail.

Can anyone give me a code they know will update to newer firware than 12.043?
  1998 BMW e46 323i
Don't wanna patronise, but are you sure you're applying the code correctly? when you click 'read' do you get the new code?


Yes, it did last night on several codes.
Click 'enable' enter new code, click 'write' then click 'read'. Unless I'm missing something blatantly obvious as far as I'm aware I'm doing it right and get the new code afterwards.

I then go to NSU and it comes back with no updates.
  1998 BMW e46 323i
Not done it for a while myself, since crossing over to the darkside (iPhone), but that sounds right to me... How strange. You using NSS yeah?


Yeah using NSS, well I was last night (it's on the other laptop).

Can I ask, what's the warm titanium tag on the codes?
  1998 BMW e46 323i
think it's the colour of the phone, weird! Never seen a warm titanium n96... Maybe I'm wrong.


I thought as much, and nor have I John.

Will have a hunt about for a code listed for a black N96 - you never know!


Sorted now - it was a Windows 7 compatibility issue :rolleyes:

I'm now running v30.033 and the phone seems much more responsive :)
