my bro went bowling last night and parked his car up in there supposidly cctv car park. he got a phone call 30mins later from a mate saying huis mate has just seen soem kids running from my bros car jump into another one and drive off. my bro went dunning out there to find hios alarm goign off and a good grands worth of stuff knicked from his car.
by the time i turn up there is this well dodgy security guard there and the duty manager. basically saying its not are fault ect. (fair enough) i suddenyl say right can we go and see ur cctv tapes. (this is well it all goes funny). first of he tries sayign there only on the entrance and exits so wont of picked anythign up, i said i dotn care cos if i can see a grey 106(spotted by my mate) coming in then i will no the plate and can deal with it all myself. he started sayign yeha but they wont of run out the exit they would of jumped over this wall. No there is a 5ft wall with sh*t loads of trees and bushes i would rate anyone that could get a twin sub box with two 12inch speakers in it over that.
any way evebtually he lets us go have a look. he started goign through the camaras and everythign was daylight. so we said thats not right and then suddenly he was liek oh yeah there not recoreded cos the company we got to do the work havent finished it yet and were still waitign for funding. i went mad at this point and completely forgot about what i had seen on the screen. i used to go to this place a lot and remember there used to be some bod workign in the car park sittign in his little box all day. i asked where he was and was told he didnt work to day, being sunday i said what dont he work today, well yeah but he phoned in sick this morning, hummm so do u get alot of problems with break ins then, no well there was one this morning. i said dont u think thats a bit funny then. i started askign loads of questions bout it. they were acting well dodgy liejk they were tryign to cover something.
the other thing was when my bro first got there this security guard was constantly walking up and down the place and kept stopping at this door which looks out to the car park, my bros car was dirsctly in line with this door and as the alarm was going off for a good ten minutes or so i cant see how he didnt see anything. humm somethings goign on why all the lies. dont no if there just coverign their backs, or forgot to turn on the camaras, mr security guard was well shifty wouldnt even make eye contact with me. u no what there normally like.
i dotn no where we stand with the bowlign ally cos im guessign there not responsible for goods left on their premisis etc but the advatize cctv and arent actually suppling it. anyoen no.
got the police involved but they were just their usually charmign and helpful selfs. theres finger prints all ove the back of the car but they dont care do they. if i had caught them and doen to them what tehy deserve they would of been down in 5secs to deal with me then. bloody stupid this country. soz for the rant this early in the morning.