right, next week im goin a filter place near where i live, to try an get some hose sorted to relocate the RT filter away from the engine, as there is definitely room to do it
what i need to know though, is about the hose bore and filter size
i wanted to use a big filter, but the guy said that he wouldnt use it as he has had people with Corsas stick a huge filter on and think the OE airbox was better, why would this be ?
if its down to increased air, an then possibly runnin lean, that wont be a problem as i can get my chip remapped, and already got high flow filter at the moment so it shouldnt be a problem
could it be down to pressure/air speed ?.......
the thing is, the RT inlet is 100mm wide, so either an adapter has to be made, or some elbow hose is needed, the place where i am goin is gonna try and sort some hose out, and fit the filter to the end of that, but should i use a reducer once the bend on the hose is sorted, as 100mm is 4", is that too big ?......
i always thought that it wouldnt be a problem, cos it would mean that the air would flow very easily to the engine, is this the case or not ?.....would a reducer and smaller filter be better than large hose and a big filter ?