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Need Induction Info

  Skoda Fabia vRS

right, next week im goin a filter place near where i live, to try an get some hose sorted to relocate the RT filter away from the engine, as there is definitely room to do it

what i need to know though, is about the hose bore and filter size

i wanted to use a big filter, but the guy said that he wouldnt use it as he has had people with Corsas stick a huge filter on and think the OE airbox was better, why would this be ?

if its down to increased air, an then possibly runnin lean, that wont be a problem as i can get my chip remapped, and already got high flow filter at the moment so it shouldnt be a problem

could it be down to pressure/air speed ?.......

the thing is, the RT inlet is 100mm wide, so either an adapter has to be made, or some elbow hose is needed, the place where i am goin is gonna try and sort some hose out, and fit the filter to the end of that, but should i use a reducer once the bend on the hose is sorted, as 100mm is 4", is that too big ?......

i always thought that it wouldnt be a problem, cos it would mean that the air would flow very easily to the engine, is this the case or not ?.....would a reducer and smaller filter be better than large hose and a big filter ?

brun, i seem to remember nick hill saying that you want to keep the filter as close to the engine as possible? why do you want to relocate?
  Skoda Fabia vRS

for less heat, the hill power kit is heat shielded but there is a load of room in the RT bay to move the filter to a cooler location

if its crap then can always go back to my HP kit, but i wanna try it, and K-Tec do a relocation kit for the 1.2 16v, so im not sure it will be a problem

plus id like a cone filter hehe

wont be down to running lean, an engine will only suck as much as its finite amount is dictated.

a filter far away leaves alot of air between butterfly and open air. heat soak and poor response.

overall, i dont think it will make a diff.
  Mk2 172

You would probably get better performance enhancement by sealing the WARM AIR inlet with the lid of something, and jamming the cold air inlet wide open (with a piece of cut K&N57i ribbed hose). This means that your car will always breathe cold air.

Redirect the warm air feed toward the radiator, and that will channel air through the heat sync to further cool your engine.

The jet/inductiomn for the 1.4rt 8v is right on top of the engine bay, and is almost always breathing warm air. That is why it is not very good.

The reason why a dirty big filter aint the best idea is down to pressure as you said...

if the induction system on your 1.4 is anything like the one on my williams it will rely on a healthy amount of pressure being built up in the air box for it to suck in the correct quatities of air.

Get rid of the air box and you better replace it with something that is just as air tight otherwise youll lose power instead of gain.

The Hill power induction kits are a sealed box with cold air fed from a scoop on the bumper... cold air into box pressurised box = way forward

I a K & N on my valver nice noise but everyone say the HP kit is the daddy, I am trying to get a hose to put on to the throttle body so I can also re-locate to a cooler location but finding a hose to fit is a problem. Do you know anywhere where i can get one from. The other alternative is to get a stainless one made up.

maybe the one on your 1.4 is different...the one one the williams is sealed I can assure you of that.... 7 clips and 3 bolts ensure the air box remains air tight apart from the inlet..

I seem to remember the only problem with relocating the air filter is that invariably you have to increase the length of the intake piping/hose. This is like trying to breath air through a long straw for the engine and can give worse effects than a shorted pipe and heat shield.

Quote: Originally posted by DanG on 25 February 2003

maybe the one on your 1.4 is different...the one one the williams is sealed I can assure you of that.... 7 clips and 3 bolts ensure the air box remains air tight apart from the inlet..
Std, the 1.4 is sealed, as is the std willy/valver.

What we meant was that the HP kit is not sealed, its sheilded.
