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Need new window regulator...


ClioSport Club Member
Other half put the window down to wave goodbye to her folks as we started the 250 mile drive home, crack, window will go down but not up.

So when we got home I ripped the door apart and can see the reg is a bit shagged.

Now if I buy a new one from gsf what exactly does it come with? I ideally need all the plastic bits and clips it comes with and also the metal rod bit, does it all come with that (saw a pic on ebay and it looked to come with everything)?

I just wanna be able to install the new unit and click the peg in the window and that be that, not faff about with all the bits (and half bits) of plastic. No idea from the state it's in now of what goes where anyway, looks like the wheel the wire is wrapped around is screwed and most of the plastic clips all seem snapped somewhere!


ClioSport Club Member
mk1 172, popped up to GSF and had a look at the part, had everything needed. Only annoying thing was the non standard connector so had to chop the new one on but otherwise all sorted :)

Quick job too, was worried it'd take an age.
  Golf GTI 1.8T
easy aint it, door card off. three bolts on the reg and 2 on the slider unit iirc.....


ClioSport Club Member
yup, hardest bit was getting the door card off in the pitch black last night, got a few scraped knuckles :)
  Golf GTI 1.8T
once youve done it once and worked it out for yourself its so easy and quick to do again tho :)


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah, put together much better than my 19 was. That was easy to rip the door cards off :)
  1.2 16v clio
wot u mean gsf. mine does that it gets stuck u ave 2 pour warm water on ur door to get it to work agen. it an expensive job? where do i get the bit i need for it from?


ClioSport Club Member

Although the part wasn't on their site, you need 87319 for the left hand motor, itll either be 87320 or 18 for the drivers side :)

£78 inc vat. for the part, do it yourself.
  1.2 16v clio
well not gunna b cheap i fink ill get my bro 2 ave a look first hes an autoeletrican u c. but ill keep this thread saved cos ill probly ave 2 do it n e ways. n e ideas y it works wen u put warm water on it?
  Golf GTI 1.8T
tim_foster23 said:
well not gunna b cheap i fink ill get my bro 2 ave a look first hes an autoeletrican u c. but ill keep this thread saved cos ill probly ave 2 do it n e ways. n e ideas y it works wen u put warm water on it?

its not an electrical fault mate.....

the only electrical thing is plugging the thing in.

the slider units f**k up and the whole thing just needs replacing...

as Fred said, Matt probably cheapest or there are new ones on ebay too.


ClioSport Club Member
My prob was all the plastic bits were bent or snapped, the new one looks a lot beefier.
  2001 Dynamique 1.2 16v
New window regulator...

Hi Guys,

I've got the same problem drivers side on my 51 dynamique (1.2 16v)... It sounds like it could be the regulator too.... Is this common on this model too?

At first i could just help the window up with my hand then this morning it did the same as Evoo's... Lost the window completely....When i used the window control to drop the window it sounds like theres some plastic (oe even glass) being crushed or rattled in there?

Cant check behind door panel out right now as left my star keys somewhere but managed to pull the seals off and slide the window closed temporarily...

I assume the motor is ok because i can still hear it?

Thanks people
