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Neighbours morning about my yozza decat

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  KTM 990 SD / S60 D5
Came home today to see my neighbour coming over to me as I got out of the car,he then told me that a few people in the street have been morning about my exhaust,so I asked him if it bothered him and he said yes,he owns a three wheel van that when he starts it at 6 o'clock in the morning it sounds like a cement mixer with the choke full on,when I told him this his reply was and I quote"it's a totally different matter,its a three wheel car and it only has one exhaust pipe,your's has two:S",I didn't see the point in continuing the conversation,what a moron like how many exhaust pipes you have makes a difference,just said that there wasn't much I could do,but would try and keep it as quiet as I can.The thing I don't understand is the exhaust has been on the car for 6 months and now they moan.

I know the car is loud,I don't have it to annoy people,I have it because I like it.I don't drive the car fast in built up areas and don't sit there revving it up.I think they are going to report me to the council or who ever would deal with this sort of thing.Where do you stand on this,anyone had a similar experience.
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this might sound chavvy, which it is but i'd tell him to f**k off.

some people, its funny as you only ever hear it happening in other towns, someone said that here they'd get shot down.

A yozza isnt even that loud ffs, imagine if you had a TVR!
  Jap Box
Get yourself a 3 wheel van, cut the backbox off and rev that at 5am outside his house, then explain to him its a totally different matter and it only has one exaghst.

Seriously though, are all your neighbours old c***s with no day jobs and sit at home watching cash in the attic while plotting what next to moan about.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
My mates neigbours complained about his 6 year old lad riding his monkey motorbike in his own garden,
saying it was too loud, it's quite as f*ck compared to their petrol lawn mowers and strimmers.
People like that will complain about anything.

I'm sure there are db limits in residential areas between certain hours, and lower limits for night time but I can't find then online,
IIRC the ones for daytime hours are quite high, above a hundred I think.
  Homo spec mazda
My mx5 is pretty damn loud, and i potter in in second gear until i can coast and i take it out of gear, but to park it up sometimes I make quite a bit of noise, but never not once had a complaint. I can imagine I will overtime but im not fussed, if people want to moan about my car then let them, they obviously have nothing better to do.
  KTM 990 SD / S60 D5
I did feel like telling him to f**k off,but thought better of it,yes they are old,I think its about 3 old couples in the street that are moaning,as for a tvr my thoughts exactly,and as for putting the cat back on,f**k that,it makes it drone too much for me,plus I don't think it would do the remap any favours.I will have to see how this turns out,going away to the ring on Thursday so maybe they will chill out a bit without my car being about,until I come back of course:evil:
Are the silenced decats any good or maybe a sports cat,don't want to have to pay for the car to be mapped again though.
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  Dodgy one
Leave it be.. I did with my 6 and one of the neighbours decided a screw in my tyre was a good idea, i went through 9 tyres in 7 month, at one point was a screw in 3 tyres at once.

I WILL one day find out who it was, they'l slip up in the pub or wherever and they'l get similar treatment.

My clio had one in the rear when i started coming home late, ive since stuck the cat back in
  Lionel Richie
I did feel like telling him to f**k off,but thought better of it,yes they are old,I think its about 3 old couples in the street that are moaning,as for a tvr my thoughts exactly,and as for putting the cat back on,f**k that,it makes it drone too much for me,plus I don't think it would do the remap any favours.I will have to see how this turns out,going away to the ring on Thursday so maybe they will chill out a bit without my car being about,until I come back of course:evil:
Are the silenced decats any good or maybe a sports cat,don't want to have to pay for the car to be mapped again though.

its not going to blow up if you put the CAT back on

drone with the CAT on? i'd go to the doctors mate, or your exhaust is broken! they're significanty louder WITH decat
  KTM 990 SD / S60 D5
It is a lot louder with the decat on your right I just found it more annoying for me with the cat on that's all,I don't need to go to the doctors,maybe someone to help me spell though.
  Evo 8 MR
I think if they was to report you, it'll knuckle down to you having to remove the decat. All you can do is do your best to be quiet and aggrevate them the least amount possible.

I don't think telling them to f**k off will help matters lol. (As someone suggested)
  Astra GSI, 172, Golf
i have the same problem.. have a few motor bikes that need to be rebuilt fairly often.. which need heat cycling several times( leaving to get upto temp ticking over then shut down , cool of then repeat) then piss and moan about it every time. which i must admit is only every few months and takes and hour or 2 at most..
when i pointed out one neighbours very squeaky electric garage door . the neighbour that works early mornings and insists on having his rattly shitbox derv jag ticking over for 10 mins each morning...... she soon realised how petty she was being..
maby its the same in your case ? and there just being petty becuase they can single you out ?
If you are simply driving to your house and back, they have a lot of cheek to complain imo. The single exhaust comment is brilliant!


North East
ClioSport Area Rep
Some people really do have nothing better to do.

I think you should get the pops n bangz remap to liven things up in your street. :)


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
I had a custom exhaust on my 182 and changed it to standard when I moved house as I was concerned about how loud it was.

Nobody said anything to me to make me do it, I just thought it was polite and the right thing to do.

But, hey, that's just me, I'd go with the cs advice and tell him to f**k off and ruin your relationship with most of your neighbours.
  Clio 172 Cup
What you need is to arrange drive by's at 6am every morning for a week.

Include cars like scoobys, evo's, TVR's and anything else loud you can think of. Make your car seem silent after a few days.

Iain C

ClioSport Club Member
I used to live in a terrice town house so tha garage was underneath. My prospeed decatted 172 cup used to make the living room floor of mine the the 2 joining houses shake when i rolled in. They complained all the time. lol
  FULL FAT 182
I removed my de cat last week for a sports cat because of the same thing, I never got and complaints but I could sense by the way my neighbours were looking at me. But to be honest it sounds much better now with the sports cat. The gains are so minimal between the de cat and sports cat maybe 1 bhp but I'm now able to hear my music.

It's always the illegal things we do that annoy people, goes full circle with the whole 3/4 front numberplates.
  BG 182 FF
Don't go down the 'tell him to f**k off' route, more hassle than it's worth, plus these things can be blown out of proportion. If they did get the council involved, or worst case police, don't forget that your decat is technically illegal, regardless of the sound. With the police being like they are they're more likely to make a case of it than catching real criminals. I know of a case where a car was impounded for a very similar reason and the guy ended up with a huge bill.

Just my 2p's worth!
I get moaned at by my old neighbours for driving 30mph in a 30mph zone :/

Where abouts in Ipswich are you from btw?
  KTM 990 SD / S60 D5
Thanks for the comments,I used to have two supermotos with race pipes at my old house,now they did sound like thunder and never had any problems at all,I have had the police pull me over for doing 90mph on the duel carriageway,gave me 3 points and a fine,didn't mention the exhaust at all,and a yozza at 90 is v.very loud,anyway spoke to my neighbour today to say I would look into getting a exhaust that wasn't as loud,he said not to worry about it,maybe he was having a off day yesterday or maybe he realised that his car is loud as well.So I will be keeping the yozza and decat,but just drive as quiet as possible near my house.I live over stoke park Simon,what about yourself.
I dropped my mate off at his house when I had my 172 which had a ktec stealth and airfeeds removed from the airbox and the next day his neighbour complained that I'd woken his family up.

I was typically unconcerned.
  53 Clio's & counting
Just keep polite as you have done - he has said not to worry about it, and as you have to live next to them just try to keep the revs down
  Clio 197
Don't go down the 'tell him to f**k off' route, more hassle than it's worth, plus these things can be blown out of proportion. If they did get the council involved, or worst case police, don't forget that your decat is technically illegal, regardless of the sound. With the police being like they are they're more likely to make a case of it than catching real criminals. I know of a case where a car was impounded for a very similar reason and the guy ended up with a huge bill.

Just my 2p's worth!

Agreed – if he again decides to have a bad day and takes it further with council / police etc you need to have your “house in order” so to speak with the decat fitted (&insurance) – you get my drift? This is IMO but it would be sensible incase they do any digging.

Telling them to fook off will not resolve anything, they will just take it out on the Clio when you’re not looking if you had an attitude like that (i.e belt it with their walking stick or something!)
Should have organised a CS drive through with as many loud exhausts as possible. Or just have a polite word. Like you did. Which worked out.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
Expanding foam up your neiboughs exhaust pipe. Then sit back and watch he starts his car and it goes boom.
I don't think there's any need to be rude or aggressive to the guy.

In that position I'd ask him what he expects me to do. I wouldn't be changing my exhaust and I certainly wouldn't be leaving the car elsewhere. Gotta live with it.
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