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New Camera, New Year, New Pics

  182, SQ7, Trafic
Only a few as getting used to the camera more than anything, only had it 3 days and getting along with it ok :)






And one of many attempts to get this shot right with no tripod!



ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Nice danny, still not seen your car in the flesh! We really should meet up for some pics, any other RS Clios around your way?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
nice pics. where on the A14 is the motorway one taken?


ClioSport Club Member
What res do you have that final pic in? I wouldn't mind it for a screen saver @ work. If its greater than or equal to 1280 can you send it me please?
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Cheers for the comments people!

Seb - After you get onto the A14 at Woolpit/Elmswell heading towards Ipswich its the first bridge, if you want directions to it drop me a PM, brilliant place as not much traffic on it, although I did get a beep due to taking photos of car from middle of road :)

Jack - Using a Canon 450D, only got it on the 1st for my birthday!

Jamie - PM me your email and I'll sort you out 4272x2848 resolution :)
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Cheers again! Hopefully getting my dad's tripod that he's had a fair few years then it may be a little less shaky. When the last pic is blown up though, the orange dot in the middle (a church) is just like a big ball of light. Anyway of getting it more in focus in future photo's or is it all to do with the lens?

Pic of the church also..... not so good!


Have also emailed pic out to people that wanted it....
  clio 182
how do you get pics to look like that??? i take it its not just a little samsung 10mill digi cam like i have na haha
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Using a Canon 450D Digital SLR, but photos have had a little HDR work done to them.

Never used one before until 01/01/09!
