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New ClioSport RSI Member - Hello

  Sold MK1 RSI to travel

Hello all you Clio Crazy mob. Glad to finally be part of a quality club with quality cars :cool:

Just like to say Im studying in Newcastle at the mo, but will be going home to Sheffield for the summer. So if you guys fancy a meet some time, drop me a post.

Rhys hello m8, sweet motor you got, quite fancy going for a rag sometime? Ill be going to the GTI hot hatch day end of July if you fancy going down, get a few of us going from Sheffield.

Craggy, you aint no member here, but hello, looks like I wont be able to give you a run for your money until I get my Stage 2 Hillpower conversion, which wont be for a while :cry:But hello.

Red16 (if your the litre gangsta?)remeber my sliver bad boy clio?Well I might be able to keep up with you a little better now ;)hello anyway.

Jas thanks for sorting the club stuff out, nice one. If I remember rightly your the silver 172 with the plate JAS-saw u at the hillpower weekend, i think?

Nick Read, your turbo sounds sweet cant wait to see it in action, seen your video clips already.

My next car hopefully will be a 172 unless I can afford/get throttle bodies for this motor? :devilish:

Sorry guys but I dont know the rest of you. Hello anyway and any RSI owners speak up :oops:

Just my final note to all the 172 owners in Newcastle, doesnt matter what colour your 172 is, they all look bad :)
