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New girlie

Hi everyone, im a newbie on here, would post some pics on here of my car "Clive" but just found out an hour ago my car had been broken into last night and the person responsible has made a right mess. So as you can imagine im gutted!

Why are there so many prats out there who would do such a thing?


Hi Williams_babe!!!!

Why the name if you have a 1.6 fiesta

Cause i love the willys and hoping to get the cup soon. Plus someone i know very well has a 0002

hello :D, and gutted i know id be well pissed if anyone broke into my car :cry:

and be warned we are all mental here ;)

I know ur all mental ive read some of the posts,lol ;)

Quote: Originally posted by williams_babe on 08 August 2003

Cause i love the willys
*spits drink out on keyboard*

oh and lee isnt it time we had a BS tag team effort again? its been ages since we took over a thread ;)



You know what loony? Id just typed in something to come back with, then thought "no, this has to stop, I dont want to go getting a reputation like Loony and SteveV6!!!" :eek: so I deleted it.

wuss, anyway i thought we had a three way thing going and the last thread we properly took over was kats, so only appropriate that we do the same on a newbie girlie thread, and where is KDF with his stick ?



Im just far too busy to be hi jacking threads. Ive got lunch coming up, so I wont need to kill time in here then :D

git, mine is a while off and im knackered so i need sleep, got in at 4.10am this morning after a mad one on the lash out clubbing then had to be at work for 7.30, not good :sick:



I gave up on midweek drinking when I started driving 21 miles to work the following morning!!! Not worth risking loosing my license on a regular basis. Plus I now go to the gym before work :sick:

Konichi-wa willy-babe!

Sorry to hear about the motor. I got broken into so many times I no longer have a stereo in my car. Just as well the engine sounds so groovy.


thing is thursday and sunday nights are so much cheaper i can go out on both and not spend as much on both as i would on just the saturday :cry:

Hello WB - I love only my own Willie - im yet to see another in as good condition:eek: and aswell looked after:)

Ive seen more girls driving Williams than i have blokes

Hello and sorry about your car, therere some proper pikey scum about these days.
