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  Clio k4j - Clio 200T
Hi there!
Registered some days ago but.. a little busy at work so i'm introducing myself only now! :eek:
I'm 29..from Italy, I got a modded k4j clio (i'll post in the right section some pics and what i've done to her..).
Most of the mods are about chassis, suspension and lightness(removed a load of parts) and a bit about engine (planning to do some heavy work).

Other than that.. i can say that I like everything isengine related, i like sportbikes (kawa owner) and i also like mtb freeride and pocketbike racing (own a 2009grc).

those are only a bit part of my 1000000 passions eheheh but it can become boring to list everything!
so.. :) hope to enjoy the forum!

p.s. sorry if my english isn't perfect..
  2014 Clio 200t edc
Hello and welcome.
Your English appears better than some English members on here so don't worry!!
  Clio k4j - Clio 200T
heheh yes seems to be international!! :D the truth is that 'till these days... i've never found a forum with so many resources...infos etc like this about clios.. proud of it!!
italian too??? i'm right between Milano and Varese!
