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new iphone!!

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  Clio 1.4 Dynamique
just got myself an iphone..was just wondering do i stick it straight on charge..and if so for how long?? or can i just start using it straight in plug it in2 my laptop and follow all the steps??
thank you
  106 GTi
Mine had a fair bit of charge in it straight away, I plugged it in to my Mac to jailbreak it, and just left it plugged in till it charged after that.
  Clio 1.4 Dynamique
thanks mate
what do you do about contacts?? do i need to write them all into outlook on my laptop?? then once on th iphone how do you get the contacts back off of outlook onto your phone?? or is there an easyier way of doing this??
  106 GTi
Not sure on a PC- I had all my contacts in Address Book on my Mac (synced from my old E65), which I then synced in itunes to the phone.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
On a PC you can sync your contacts from Outlook, this option is found in iTunes.

If you can sync your existing phone with Outlook first then that'll be the easiest way to copy them over.
  Clio 1.4 Dynamique
syncing contacts please help!!!

got my new iphone 2day and am gettin a bit annoyed lol
im trying to get the contacts sorted..
i started manually putting my contacts into outlook ready for my iphone but was taking ages..
so i found the data lead for my k800i and have been trying to work out how to sync my contacts from the k800i to outlook to save time!! how do you do this tho?!
please help!!
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Re: syncing contacts please help!!!

I think the software that comes with the phone from SE contains a option to sync your contacts with Outlook.
  Clio 1.4 Dynamique
iphone trouble!!!

finally after ages on trying to get my old contacts from my k800 onto outlook i set up my iphone on itunes and followed the instructions for it only to say..
o2 need more time to review you application, we will contact you within 2!?!
if it's jalibroken and you're using your simcard from your previous contract, there is an application called Simport that you can use. This is free.

Isim is well known, however, not free for the full import.

I charged it right up, however, the battery is not too good, better than my 8800 though.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Re: iphone trouble!!!

2 New threads when theres a specific iPhone thread WTF?
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