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New Kickass Sony Laptop


  911 GTS Cab
  Better than yours. C*nt.
I can imagine something much better.

Maybe something you could actually lift from your desk?
  Scirocco GT 2.0
£3000? Woosh

Give it a couple of years and that spec will be £350 lol

18.4" is just too big for a laptop, my 16" is big enough. Wouldn't go any smaller than that now either for home use. Using a 13" from work at the moment and my head/eyes hurt.


  911 GTS Cab
I can imagine something much better.

Maybe something you could actually lift from your desk?
i use it as my workhorse, got a work laptop so this one never leaves my bedroom really, no need for it to be light, its nice and big, full size keyboard, full 1080p screen, its mobile enough for me to take it to my parents when i go, its not exactly designed to compete with an ultra mobile!
  Better than yours. C*nt.
its not exactly designed to compete with an ultra mobile!

Good job really, cos it's got a cat's chance in a dog pound of winning.

I just don't 'get' these 'laptops'. If I put that on my lap for any length of time, I'd have a flat spot.


  911 GTS Cab
£3000? Woosh

Give it a couple of years and that spec will be £350 lol

18.4" is just too big for a laptop, my 16" is big enough. Wouldn't go any smaller than that now either for home use. Using a 13" from work at the moment and my head/eyes hurt.
yeah, its weird, some sites are saying £2800, others are saying £1800.

Mine cost £1800 a year ago, so i would be surprised if it was £2800, i really would.

just had mine back from repair, was 5 days inside the warranty and got really good service. I always buy sony, can't beat them in the laptop space, spec, visuals and added software, excellent.


  911 GTS Cab
Good job really, cos it's got a cat's chance in a dog pound of winning.

I just don't 'get' these 'laptops'. If I put that on my lap for any length of time, I'd have a flat spot.
i don't use it on my lap, its a desktop replacement, its not designed to be on your lap.

its designed for people who don't want a big box taking up space with a monitor and something you can't easily move around the house.

I can move mine where i want to and take it away with me for bluray use.

I've had a 17" for the past 4 years or so now, couldn't do without it, its mega fast, not like normal laptops, can do everything and very fast.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
I always buy sony, can't beat them in the laptop space, spec, visuals and added software, excellent.

Except, no matter how 'good' their support is, everybody I know who has had a Sony has had it 'repaired'. Now, I don't know about you, but I sense very double standards. A few people have to get their Dell laptops fixed, and they're all s**t. Everybody has to get their Sony laptops s**t, but they're ace? - this isn't aimed at you, btw, more 'society' and 'IT'.

And as for 'added software', I'd rather they didn't bother TBH. I like my OS's naked. Drivers, maybe a wireless switch, end. Fin. No s**t. Just nothing.

Spec wise, they're expensive for what they are. They've always got good specs, but then, they f**king well ought to for the money they ask for.
  Scirocco GT 2.0
Except, no matter how 'good' their support is, everybody I know who has had a Sony has had it 'repaired'. Now, I don't know about you, but I sense very double standards. A few people have to get their Dell laptops fixed, and they're all s**t. Everybody has to get their Sony laptops s**t, but they're ace? - this isn't aimed at you, btw, more 'society' and 'IT'.

And as for 'added software', I'd rather they didn't bother TBH. I like my OS's naked. Drivers, maybe a wireless switch, end. Fin. No s**t. Just nothing.

Spec wise, they're expensive for what they are. They've always got good specs, but then, they f**king well ought to for the money they ask for.


Bit like Apple Macs really.


  911 GTS Cab
Except, no matter how 'good' their support is, everybody I know who has had a Sony has had it 'repaired'. Now, I don't know about you, but I sense very double standards. A few people have to get their Dell laptops fixed, and they're all s**t. Everybody has to get their Sony laptops s**t, but they're ace? - this isn't aimed at you, btw, more 'society' and 'IT'.

And as for 'added software', I'd rather they didn't bother TBH. I like my OS's naked. Drivers, maybe a wireless switch, end. Fin. No s**t. Just nothing.

Spec wise, they're expensive for what they are. They've always got good specs, but then, they f**king well ought to for the money they ask for.
i like the added software, means i don't have to pirate it, having adobe photoshop included is great.

People don't mind a product breaking down as long as they are dealt with correctly when it does, thats where sony have got it right, i got amazing service from them on this repair, they checked things i hadn't complained about, and replaced them anyway, cleaned it for me and gave me a nice cleaning cloth for the screen (its the small things that matter), texted me at all stages and included the AWB number for me to track it with DHL, all done from phonecall to having it back in 5 days.

And thats with the standard warranty, not an extended one, not some fancy corporate warranty where they give you better service because you pay more for the warranty. I'm very happy.

From firend who have dell's, you are lucky to get any support out of them, let alone good service, parts taking weeks to arrive to be replaced, being a big corporate seems to get you better service as they value the business more.

And please don't compare sony to apple for price vs. spec, becuase apple don't come close. I was looking at macbooks when i was buying this one and the spec for the price didn't even come close, total ripoff for what you get.

I prefer to pay a little extra, great a great looking laptop, some added software, great service when i need it and some of the highest specifications available on the market at the time.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
i have a dell.

it looks like it came straight out the 80's and is s**t.

but it was cheap.

btw total recall on itv.


  911 GTS Cab
Apple = OSX

Instant win.
i've thought about it many times, i just can't be arsed having to bother trying to find software to do what i want to do which works fine and is easy to find and works on windows.

Before vista OSX was probably the daddy, but with vista and 7, MS reaslly has a very decent OS!

Anyone ever have any issues with vista crashing? Thought not, such a resiliant OS now.

Although saying that, people moan about the ps3 updates, i had to update my vista from base last night and it needed 12 reboots and umpteen patches. What annoyed me was it made me do a load of separate downloads, then came SP1 and it told me it included all updates until then aswell, well why not f**king get me to download that one first then, then i wouldn't have to download all those others aswell, same thing happened with SP2.

Atleast with the PS3 its jsut one update no matter what version you are on if you need an update.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
LOL you need to put the crack pipe down if you think Vista or even seven can touch Leopard.
DK, please take some pics when you get it.

Looks really nice.

Can't see good res pics, but have not looked very hard.

Seems like an excellent desktop replacement for your requirements.

They have excellent screens and the build quality is great.

I'm looking to get a new laptop too, un-decided as to go OSX again or windows.

Have been using Windows 7 Ultimate and I personally think it's superb.


  911 GTS Cab
thats another thing about sony screens, i've not seen another laptop with a better one tbh, apple come close, but sony glossy screens are summit else!
  Scirocco GT 2.0
OSX makes me feel ill.

Sorry but i've spend some hours using it and i'm yet to be impressed.

However W7 continues to impress me.

But lets BTTT ;)


Actually thinking about it, the only thing that impressed me on OSX was the touchpad software where it recognises how many fingers are on it when scrolling through pictures etc


  911 GTS Cab
Is something like that quiet? I have an SZ5 and it's noisy as f*ck.
my ar71zu is silent, my a417 before that is now noisy when i use it, but the newer ones are silent, and thats after being on for hours so quite warm.
  Revels Mum & Sister
thats another thing about sony screens, i've not seen another laptop with a better one tbh, apple come close, but sony glossy screens are summit else!

Agree with this. Sony screens are immense on the laptops. Looks a good laptop just quite pricey but then I bought a Macbook so can hardly speak
  Punto/Clio GTT
sorry if im behind with the times, but aint you still living at home dk?

i remember you posting a thread a while back saying you cant afford a mortgage and that youa int paid well enough, yet youre always going on holiday/buying top end stuff and are about to spunk £3k on a laptop because its sony?

priorortise man


  911 GTS Cab
sorry if im behind with the times, but aint you still living at home dk?

i remember you posting a thread a while back saying you cant afford a mortgage and that youa int paid well enough, yet youre always going on holiday/buying top end stuff and are about to spunk £3k on a laptop because its sony?

priorortise man
erm, yeah, you are a bit behind the times, i've not lived at home since 1995...........

I've been renting and living abroad (US and germany) since then.

I am also filthy rich, on cs wages, spunk loads of money on supercars, laptops and first class flights and now own a new flat as of yesterday...........

Catch up old son ;)
  Punto/Clio GTT
ahh ok maybe i got the living at home bit wrong. but certainly you made a thread not too long ago saying you couldnt afford a mortgage though? yet you waste so much cash on pointless crap lol


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Seriously, DK is so much better than me ive given up trying to be as cool as he is.


  911 GTS Cab
that was about 18 months + ago i believe as i've been on cs wages for that long now, its still very expensive where i live, as i'm not in the office a lot these days though i went for something a bit further than 4 mins walk from work.

But no, money problems a thing of the past thank god, i wasn't getting paid my worth before, so i got a job elsewhere after being headhunted, work soon perked up then and got their act together, 60% payrise later and its all gravy.

which meant i could buy property and still waste my cash on pointless crap lol;)
  Works...kind of...
I can think of something better.

It's called a desktop, and the equivlent spec will cost less than half as much. ;)


  911 GTS Cab
I can think of something better.

It's called a desktop, and the equivlent spec will cost less than half as much. ;)
thats like saying a mondeo is better than a ferrari as it has 4 seats and is cheaper..........
