My wheels aren't 'gash' thank you. They were quite expensive and by no means at the cheap end of the market. Everybody is entitled to do what they want to thier car and it's blatently obvious that people's thoughts will clash about what is nice and what isn't nice. They only way you find these things out are by experimenting with different styles to match the shape of the car. Some of the older generation here will appreciate more subtle mods and smaller wheels (although some people younger will also like small mods as well).
It would seem that if anybody dares to be different and stick's 17's or bigger on thier Clio they get slated big time. What's the big deal that somebody wants to try something different? You probably wouldn't slate them if they stuck Turini's on them or some other 'common' Clio mod.
I hate the lack of support these forums have.. No sort of "Those wheels look different, but good mate.. Good effort for trying something new" its now "take those wheels off, they are gash" or "That exhaust is shyte".. This is a Clio forum about Clio's and people should get a little support about thier choice in mods. No wonder so many people convert thier car back to standard cause they feel they have to conform with every body else's bloody mods. I don't want to be stereotypical Clio with the Turini's and standard back lights bla bla.. I like my car as it is. Thanks