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New Member from Strood, Kent

  Clio 172
Hi im Dan and ive just got my Clio 172 cup.

Not got loads of plans for it just yet as im going to enjoy it as it is, although im tempted to put a carbon bonnet on it.

Heres a few pics




  BlackGold 182
hey buddy! welcome to CS! i like the rear exhausts cut out like a 182 but lose the front and rear lights and bonnet bra!

but good to see another medway member on here!!

theres a meet this saturday at romford dogs and me and my mate from medway are going so you should tag along, more details are in the south east section!
  182 Turbo
Welcome mate I am new to owning a clio too! Do you go to Medway industrial estate on Friday nights? Would be good to see another renaultsport clio there lol. So Many members from Medway area but none go :( and sorry but I have to agree with keiran .. Lose the bonnet bra! xD
  Clio 172 Cup
Welcome mate I am new to owning a clio too! Do you go to Medway industrial estate on Friday nights? Would be good to see another renaultsport clio there lol. So Many members from Medway area but none go :( and sorry but I have to agree with keiran .. Lose the bonnet bra! xD

Hello mate, i'm always out down medway city estate,,,, or us 5 172 clios meet at dockside under ground when we are bored, witch is quite alot :)

where do you hang about?
