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New Member saying Hi with sum questions.

  cliosport 182

first post on the forum,

Recently purchased renault cliosport 182 in black with the cup packages and quite pleased with it.
Have always been a japanese car fan owned 2 crx vtecs and a crx vtec siR and had a very bad opinion of french reliability etc.

But after my friend offering me his dads clio 182 who has been the only owner and has a full lookers renault service history along with the cambelt being done i went for a test drive and only brought because i got a great price on it and handling felt great.

Took it on its first good run to bournemouth to visit my friend for week filled it up with tesco momentum petrol everythings going well, three days into trip the service light comes on with esp light. my first thoughts was typical french car trouble already but after phoneing around local garages i managed to be seen by a garage called K tec racing.

by the time i got to garage the next day the lights had gone off and it was fine but k tec plugged it in anyway and seemed to think the tracking could be causing the computer to come up with theses problems. so nothing major there, while i was there i got chatting and decided to go for a stage 1 tuning package for £254 included new air filter panal and a remap with a before and after run.

so i was looking for some nice gains i knew my car would never be the 182 as it should be but it came back at 163hp to start with and after stage 1 made 172hp so yeah good gains but why would the car be so low to start with. K tec seems to say mine was one of the better ones:S:S

They had a new rolling road delivered that day but it wasn't installed and said that there current rolling road was notorious for reading low results hence there new purchase of a new rolling road. They also said i could come back sometime to have a free run on there new rolling road.

so just wanted people thoughts on the results, ktec were great by the way very polite and professional.

also exhaust pipes tips seem to be leaving alot of black soot just wondering if this is a sign of wrong air/fuel mixture? or oil burning? or just the fact that its only done 41k by a 58 year old man and its been driven at a steady pace shall we say lol??

please leave some thoughts

cheers james
  53 Clio 172
Welcome mate, good to see you moved over to the dark (french) side!

Being honest I am unsure regarding the power output but I would assume it to be normal as a car will lose power over time. Someone will probably correct me when I bump this thread.

K-Tec are brilliant and I have only had great service from them so if they are your closest specialist then its all good!

To start with I would clean the exhaust tips and then keep and eye on them, if you notice excessive soot/black residue then maybe take it to your nearest garage.

Sorry I couldn't be more help but hopefully few more members will help me out.

Clio's never make their power. Just how they are.

Don't worry about what a rolling road says, judge it on how the car feels.
