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New phone, high SAR rating. Take it back?

My 6 year old mobile phone passed away at the weekend, so I popped into carphone warehouse to get a cheap replacement.

I ended up buying an expensive replacement lol I got a SE T650i. But phones last me years. Unlike my work phones.

After reading the manual and that I discovered the SAR rating for the phone is 1.80 which has concerned me somewhat.

Europe says the safe level is 2.0, but the USA says it's only 1.6!! :eek:

I really like the phone, but this concerns me and I'm thinking about exchanging it. Only problem is, most new SE phones are scarily high.

W880i - 1.45
W890i - 1.38
K810i - 1.31
K850i - 1.14
K550i - 1.25
W910i - 0.90

I had a search and my last phone is 0.74 apparently. I don't know what to do? What you you peeps do? Am I just being paranoid. Is there a huge difference between 0.70 and 1.80?? I take it that this is only a problem during calls, and I don't spend all that much time talking on the phone, just texting.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
My E51 is 1.4

And you know what?

I couldn't give a s**t.
The radiation you are exposed to daily is higher than any mobile phone could Emmit.

If this kinda thing scares you i hope you don't have wifi or a microwave in your house!
My E51 is 1.4

And you know what?

I couldn't give a s**t.
The radiation you are exposed to daily is higher than any mobile phone could Emmit.

If this kinda thing scares you i hope you don't have wifi or a microwave in your house!

Tom, this is kind of what I am asking. What does the value mean? I do have wifi, I do have a microwave.

All I have to base it on is the limits of 1.6 and 2.0 and I don't know if there is a huge difference between the values or not.



ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Have a read. SAR ratings are also varied given the strength of signal to the phone and the weather. Its nothing to worry about. But have a read of the report.
So in good signal it may not be any worse than other phones?

I think it maybe to do with the metal coating.

I've switched of the 3G and just sticking to GSM hoping that'll help and I'm going to stick to SMS and using the speaker phone as much as poss. Then I'll get 0.000001 radiation.

I'm sure I'm exposed to more sitting infront of a computer all day, it was just the value is significantly higher than other phones.
I mentioned SE products as they seem to be high compared to other companies.

Iphone is just a rip-off so won't be having one of them.
Ah, sorry, I meant it in a different context, as in what I need. ie a small phone with basic functions bought on payg.

It's probs good for other things.

Anyway, if I mutate into something, everyone will know why! :p
  SLK 350
iPhone big? Oh please. For a start 90% of it is a high resolution screen, it's also slimmer than most the phones on the market which is a more important dimension (no bulging pockets on me).
The iphone is huge and weighs more than is lost from losing the spare wheel from a 182!!

Don't get me started on how bad the PS3 is!!!!!!!!!!! :rasp:
Whether or not the iPhone is s**t, the PS3 is s**t, or what, I've never known anyone to decide on phone choice based on SAR ratings.. ever. :rasp:

I'm shocked, heh.

Think of the emissions your 182 is pumping out? :p
Well, I didn't choose the phone on the rating, obviously, but when I realised it's above the recommended limit in the US, it concerned me somewhat.
  BMW M135i
Don't think i've ever even looked are the SAR rating on a phone tbh. If it does lots of cool things i'll never need then that usually does me (roll on N96:D).
