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New Plates and Personalised Plate

  Polo + Micra

looks good but i hope it lasts longer than mine did:cry:

anyone else read it as kylie? :p

[Edited by Dink on 6/23/2005 12:40:30 PM]

[Edited by Dink on 6/23/2005 12:41:04 PM]
  Golf GTD

ahh cheers. been messin around for ages :S

nah its not quite legal. what you lot think tho? Reckon you would read it as Kyle?
  Full Fat 182 - Was..

i havent been stopped for my plate yet and it is very ilegal! i wouldnt fret about it, its a "show plate" as long as you ahve the others too then your fine. i have my original plates stuck on underneath the respaced one so if the pigs pull me i say sorry just been to a meet and forgot to remove it officer. the worst they can doo is give you a fine...

Carbon copy got pulled for his on the way to FCS...

If they pull you over they are bound to check everything else including my track abused tyres - lol
  Golf GTD

cheers for the warnings guys, i did know that id attract more attention from the cozzers.

saw an officer checkin me out last night infact, but luckily i was goin the other way so he didnt have a chance to pull me.

cheers for positive feedback tho :)
  172 M69 eater

looks good mate, i got pulled for jus having a different font, 60 quid fine :(

and they checked over the rest of the car and gave me a producer for my side indicator... gutted...
  Polo + Micra

Quote: Originally posted by patty on 23 June 2005
looks good mate, i got pulled for jus having a different font, 60 quid fine :(and they checked over the rest of the car and gave me a producer for my side indicator... gutted...

£60:eek: when i got pulled it was £30 and a telling off for having tints.
  Golf GTD

nah simon, thought that might attract even more attention. Do like your plate though, very well thought out! :)

worst comes to worst ill just remove the dot, i dont speed in built up areas anyway, so hoping wont attract too much attention.

(although mysubs have other ideas l:p)

I dont think I got fined when they pulled me (although I was fined for something else). I did have to have some legal number plates made up though, so that cost me, then had to have it stamped at an MOT garage to say it would pass with legal plates.

Swapped them back again 5minutes later :devilish:

Been pulled twice again since then, both times trying to say that I was speeding, and both times the coppers mentioned my plates, saying was I lucky enough to get them with car, and we see you around cos of your plates. Neither of them mentioned them being illegal like the 1st copper. He must just have been bored. The writing is just very slightly italic

Quote: Originally posted by James 182 on 23 June 2005

i havent been stopped for my plate yet and it is very ilegal! i wouldnt fret about it, its a "show plate" as long as you ahve the others too then your fine. i have my original plates stuck on underneath the respaced one so if the pigs pull me i say sorry just been to a meet and forgot to remove it officer. the worst they can doo is give you a fine...
All well and good but if someone with these sorts of plates happens to drive away from an accident (not suggesting you would, but people do) its a bloody nightmare to compose yourself and read it when its shooting off into the distance. Dont need to do something wrong yourself for it to be a problem either, if you are unknowingly near the scene of a crime and someone tries to get your plate as a potential witness its a nightmare.

I do speak from experience btw. Happened to me in my last Clio, thought I got the plate but it was as you say a "show plate" with what was probably a bolt or something to change it. Police never managed to track them on what I had.
  172 M69 eater

i was thinkin what if u had a legal set in the boot and you had velcrod them on? u think ud get away with it?
