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New PM Tariff & Phone Advice

  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
I'm not a massive follower of all things technological so thought I would run my thoughts through CS first!

I am due an Upgrade on Vodafone

I have a SE C905, I still use it as my Walkman (I don't have an iPod or iTunes), but no longer have the need for a camera.

More and more I am using my phone for checking my G-Mail, Internet browsing, Google Maps, Calendar.

My Tariff is:

700 minutes, Mobile Internet, Unlimited Landline Calls, 250 Texts with Vodafone Passport at £29.79

However I am regularly exceeding this, mostly as I now don't have a land line, so paying for premium rate calls, and just going over my minutes and texts.

I would like a 12/18 month Contract / to stay with Vodafone / to pay no more than £30 (Prefer £25) a month / and to pay no more than £60 for the phone up front.

Any suggestions?
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
Hmm, I also have vodafone family adding £5 I think which I was intending to drop. If I have a good Tarrif I assume I can just keep it and just pay for the new phone?
  Mk2 Golf GTI
Any clue as to when the Desire HD will be out?

I REALLY want that phone now having seen how good the current Desire is.
  Mk2 Golf GTI
Is it still to be release on orange/t-mobile? Old reports said that it would be, with only o2 missing out for now. But there's no word of it at the moment.

I'm on Orange and don't really want to leave due to the merger with T-Mobile and increased signal now.

Also, could be cheaper than starting a fresh contract with someone else. Especially if I say I wish to cancel and they start throwing deals at me like last time.
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
2012 Bump

Vodafone were able to do me a great Tariff, which I have now stuck with, It covers my texts, call and data allowances so I'm happy with that.

However phone wise the SE C905 broke, which I replaced with a SE W910 :cool: and now have a SE W960 :dapprove:

The W960 is now 6 years old and just can't cut the whole modern Smart shizzle, so I'm looking to buy a new phone outright to last me the next 4 years.

In terms of what I need:

I use Google Mail, Calendar, Outlook WA, Skype, Walkman, Camera.

I'm not one for gimmicky features, but like things that are innovative.

I want to bring my music into the 21st Century, at the moment i use WMP, so figured I should replace this with Spotify or whatever its called? I don't own any Apple products but should I be considering iTunes and an iPhone? - I have no need for an iPad, iBook, Apple TV etc.

Past advice from Tom and Dan makes me think I should be looking at a HTC One X or wait for an iPhone 5 (October?) I've briefly used my mum Galaxy S2 and found it quick if a bit buggy.

My concern with buying an iPhone is being tied to the brand for other applications, I can't afford a house full of expensive things!

My concerns with an Android phone is that I'm either paying for something I don't need or the cheaper models wont last!


ClioSport Moderator
iPhone. 100%.

Import your music from WMP into iTunes and you'll be happy as it gets.

If you get an iPhone 4, as opposed to a 4s, then you'll get it cheap enough.

FYI an iPhone will work just fine on a windows setup and there's no need to go filling your house with apple stuff, although I guarantee after a few weeks of the iPhone you'll want other nicely made things.

Oh and it'll do the things you seem to do the most with ease, excuse me for being a tit, but what's outlook WA?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Get the 4 mate. It'll stand the test of time no problem. :) Good deals out there at the moment imo.

You'll wonder how you lived without it.
  1.2 Dynam & 182FFCup
Bit of a peculiar question, anyone in your friends or family (or maybe even yourself) that work for a large corporation at all?

Could be anything from Met Police / NHS, BP, Ford, Large banks, retail stores etc, there's loads

You can get yourself a discount with Vodafone under the VEA scheme if so.
Meaning you can save yourself a fair bit on an expensive handset :)

Swing me a PM if you want to know more
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
OWA = Outlook Web Access, Rob.

Unfortunately don't know anyone who I could get into the VEA scheme with.

I hadn't considered a 4 as I figured they were becoming old. Would it not be worth paying for a 4s or Galaxy S3 over them?
