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New project - Clio Williams 2.

  182 Trophy, Williams
Bit of an update:

In the last few months I've put more miles on the Williams than it's seen in the last few years! If I remember correctly from the MOT history it had done nine-hundred and something miles in the last 5 years or so. Over the last few months it's covered more than 1000 miles without a single hitch! I honestly expected a car that had been used so little to let me down almost immediately that I started driving it, but it hasn't skipped a beat. It spent a few weeks with Floyd over at RS Performance Four Ashes. Heater is now working, central locking is fixed and lots of very worryingly loose bits on the suspension were tightened up. Floyd found a couple of other minor things that will be sorted over the coming months, top mounts do need doing as suspected, a snapped wheel stud on the front hub needs drilling out, but we might just replace the front hubs depending on cost. There's a bit of oil accumulating in the drivers side wheel well, definitely oil not brake fluid, Floyd's cleaned up the whole area to keep an eye on in an attempt to trace it.

Some bits I'm after:

Front door storage pockets - mine are present but had aged terribly.

Front grill (Mk1 PH2) - clip is snapped on one side and held on by a cable tie.

Gear knob top - mine is original but faded to oblivion, does anybody make rep' ones?

Next phase:

Floyd is getting back to me with a quote to sort the remaining bits, top mounts and window motors, things like that, they'll all get done over the next few months. Then it's time to address bodywork. As shown in the pictures earlier in the thread, almost every panel has something wrong with it. Going to go to a bodywork place I've used before and ask their advice on whether we're looking at an entire respray or if it's possible to pull the little dents, paint the bumpers and spoiler, treat any rust on the sills and arches and blend it without painting the whole car. My guess is they'll say for the amount of work we'd do as well to paint the lot all in one go. Will also recon' the wheels, with the proper diamond cut edge, including the two spare genuine Renault ones. Somebody has already sent me a message about the two spares, at the time I wasn't sure if they were genuine Renaults, but they are, so if you want them refurbed/not refurbed give me a shout!

Some photo's of the Williams being used! Been a lot of fun to get out and drive it and had a few people comment on it even in its scruffy state. Also, it's surprisingly quick! I don't really know what I was expecting but it's torquier (that a word?) feeling than the 182's I'm familiar with...Devil exhaust sounds lovely too.


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ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Amazing cars these, would love one as a project if I had the time & space. Enjoying the updates, keep them coming.
I bought a brand new Williams gear knob 'back in the day' for £15! I wish I'd have got a few of them!
I put it on my valver as the top of it was blue and so was my car.

For the front grill clip, 3d printing is probably your best bet.
