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New Reanult Clio RSi Owner - Northamptonshire

  Renault Clio RSi 1.8 1997
Hi All

I've just recently bought a Renault Clio (Well Monday 25/01/2010) to get me to and from work while my main car (54 Plate Ford Focus Titanium) is off the road, but to the guy I bought it from pulling off a wonder full finance fraud on to 2 not 1 but 2 cars, and then pocketing the money and doing a runner, leaving me to try and stop the finace company taking away the car I've owned for the past 2 and a half years....

Anyway bought this little P reg Renault Clio RSi 1.8 in black, nice little car, few problems like:

1) Airbag light is on (tried disconnecting th clips under the seats but will not go out)
2) Fog lights both not working (bought replacements)
3) 1 out of the 3 oil guages on the top is not working
4) Glovebox hinge snapped (now fixed with 1 from scrap yard)
5) Cigarette lighter will not stay down (going to install an engine start button in there just for the hell of it)
6) Catch on the sunroof blind is broken
7) Drivers seat will not reclin (but I have now bought 2 Williams front seats)
8) Clock seems to stop when engine is not running
9) Need to replace front brake pads and discs
10) Drivers door looks like at 1 time someone tried to break in (gonna de-lock it but for the moment I've put gasket sealer round it and put a keyguard on)

Took the car down to the local Renault Dealer so I could get them to remove the airbag warning light indicator and they said the car had been in an impact and I will need a new airbag computer costing £485.00 and I also wanted a new keyfob and this was £187 (inc proramming)

They also rattled off a number of other problems and basically said scrap the car.

Took it down to the garage/petrol station I used to work at and they disagreed with what the Renault mechanic said and just advised me get the brakes changed and with a bit of TLC the car will be perfect again.

While at the other garage, Renault rang me and said seeing as I need to get rid of my car would I like a Clio Williams which they just got in, said not interested, and monday I get a load of info in the post sauying here is the car I would like and to ring them for a test drive. This has now resulted in me writing a letter to them and saying I was not happy with the report they did, and demanding a refund, as all they wanted to do was sell me a new car.

I had to replace the foglights as they were on working and found a set on ebay for £36.00 delivered, also laid my hands on front williams seats

I'm going to slowly fix up the car and try and keep it as original as possible but there will be a few mods on it, and will be using the Haynes Max Power Manual get get the ideas from.

Here are a few pics for you to look at. If all goes well I may actually get rid of the Focus (after the finance issie is sorted) and just keep the Clio as it has been turning a few head, in town..

Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this and any help would be great, or if you can think of any mod which would be godd to do.






  clio mk1 RSI
hi mate have you still got the RSI , I just got one mines had a lot of silly probs but is now been replaced with all genuine renault parts mainly sourced from ebay .
gonna start modifying it myself , wouldnt bother with the haynes manual as the styling stuff is out of date .
It is good for suspension and wiring stuff etc.
all other stuff you need is in the green clio mk1 haynes manual.
am gonna go for a oem+1 90's look.
so far fitted decat and full stainless exhaust.
megane coupe factory strut brace with top covers
magnecor leads
bosch super 4 plug (the best ones for this engine)
fitted k&n induction filter to factory airbox.
They are solid wee cars but do nee alot of tlc
I only use super unleaded in mines runs so much better
Ive done most jobs on this car including the torsion bar , headwork trying to find shims are a f**ker.
get some good oil in in ELF compotiton 10w/40 is the best
i would recommend a full fluids flush espeically the coolant and replace all the fluids acccording to the haynes manual, i did this sourcing all flushes and fluids from ebay for about 90 quid including the oil.
one thing i would add is liqui moly hydraulic lifter and engine protector again from ebay the make the engine nice and quiet and make it run abit better.
if you need any advice drop me a line
