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New stereo loose


I fitted my new stereo last night but it seems a little loose. Its the cage in which the stero fits that does not seem tight. is their any way to tighten the fit of the cage up?

Cheers Dav

I have exactly the same problem, just came on to post about it and saw this. I tried last night to use duct tape to tape the cage tightly onto a surface behind the where the stereo goes. It worked well for a while but as the CD player started to heat up the tape became less sticky and eventually just came off.

Is it the cage or the stereo that is loose? Is the cage too big for the stereo or the cage too small for the space?

I have both problems... Doh!

Im trying to fit a Pioneer, not sure of the exact model at the moment.

When I get home Ill have a fiddle about with it, let you know if I have any success...
