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New Tmobile plan announced today.

  Mk7 Golf, Daytona600
Thats handy as my contract ended on Friday :), will be interesting what they class "unlimited" as


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
T-Mobile always seem to lead the way with reshaping price plans.

Flex was a genuine game changer unlimited plans at this price (with an obviously longer term signup) are unheard of outside the sim only arena.

Quote from a tech journo

I have absolutely not found any footnotes which say that there might be any kind of cap anyway, or a kind of bandwidth throttling so it seems that T-Mobile UK's new "The Full Monty" is really a kind of all you can eat without any restrictions. If this is true, it's definitely groundbreaking and revolutionary for the industry.
There is no cap at all on tethering, wifi, mobile browsing, texts and mins on the £41+ plans. Even the credit process has changed for us to allow more people to take the iPhone 4 (you have to pay by card of your paying for a 4S and go through a separate ID check).

Edit: For upgrades it's price match only so whatever you see on that tariff is what you get, no cheeky 4S discounts :( if you have the friends and relations discount then your not allowed to move on to the tariff.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Interesting .. but a bit late, IMO.

'Everyone' uses WhatsApp, Facebook etc for "texting" these days. Why would I need unlimited texts when no one sends SMS's any more ?

Data is a good one.. but most of my life is on WiFi. At work I get naff signal anyway, but it's the only provider that carries signal around here ! There's no way I'll use 2GB a day at work haha !

Wonder if 'normal' plans will drop in price, or increase to bump people over to these ones...?

Still no sign of the newest Nexus :( I'm due an upgrade in 4 weeks time .. I might have to go to P4U to get what I want ! :dapprove:
Just rang as had a couple of things to sort out with them and the guy I spoke to had been off sick and didnt seem to know alot about this tariff.

I'm going to call back on Wednesday, see what (if any) deal I can get on a HTC Sensation, Galaxy S2 or 4S


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Only had a quick look but it doesn't look any better than what 3 have been doing for ages . I get 5000 3 to 3 mins , 2000 cross network mins , 5000 texts and " all you can eat data " , which is truly unlimited . Thats £35 a month with a HTC Desire HD . At the end of the day these phone companies offer silly amounts of texts , mins and internet knowing that the average person won't even touch 10% of their allowance . They just try and wow you with these incredibly large figures in my opinion .


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
You are right. But 3 wont start a price war any time soon, they don't have the customers the others do.
Just signed up for a T-Mobile sim only -

£15 a month and £120 cashback. 600 minutes, unlimted texts and internet.

So works out at just over £5 a month
You have different levels of speed available depending on what your doing. Mobile browsing is usually set at 1.8mb/s. When tethering this will increase up to 7.2mb/s or 14.4mb/s depending on location. Obviously these speeds vary on location, time of day etc but those are the maximum speeds they will allow you to reach.

I presume they will keep this system for full monty but we don't really get confirmation of it until we test ourselves.


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
That has a 500MB fair use on it!

T-Mobile have always been the best for the internet imo. I've been with them for 7 years because of it and currently enjoy a healthy 3GB fair use on my £25/18 month deal with a free S2 upgrade around 5 months ago.

I thought it was a 500mb om Streaming vids - uploads and downloads. Browsing and emails unlimited. Shows as that on T-Mobile site.
