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New to ClioSport

  Renault Clio Dynamique
Hellooorr.. Joining with my lovely 1.2 52 plate Clio Dynamique, which is myy first car and i absolutely love it!!! Aint very amazing at the modifications, my boyfriends all about it.. But nice to see somewhere with such sweeeeeeeeet cars! lol. Some very nicely done cars.. Furthest ive got is colour coding, and its wrong :( Got 632 code, but the paints more blue than my silver paint? Was gutted.... If anyone can point me in the right direction to getting it right, lol!... Lauren.:)
  Renault Clio Dynamique
Myself?... Lmaoo! Its all about the car! Il get some up, ul have to excuse the pics.. it was gettin cleaned at the time...

Heree you go... IGNORE THE ALLOYS, I REALLY NEED THEM REFURBED or someone to offer me set :] [Woman before me said she really cudnt park, and well OBV, wasnt my doing!]

The one below, definatley shows the off colour, otherwise, the others dont really too much..
  Renault Clio Dynamique
She is, shes a tidy little car, want a set of the standard alloys or to refurb mine like a gun metal colour, for a bit of variation... Thats the main reason why i didnt do my door handles n what not.. bit of "contrast", shall i say lol.


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
i bought some alloys 2 refurb,was gunna sell um but i think they look sweeet


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
  Renault Clio Dynamique
Love the black on black look! I just want the standard ones, insurance likkes to go a little bit to high...

Im looking at getting HIDs next week, but am all confused on em :/.. Are they able to work with the autolights? N are they even legal? My boyfriend has em on his FTO, n MOT passed etc?????


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
yea will work alonside ur auto headlights, some mot stations may not pass them though.
  Renault Clio Dynamique
Oh deary me, i will be unfortunate to get one i bet.. Lol! RiceRocket is sorting me out i thinks.. H7 arent they? And they are road legal????? lol...
  Renault Clio Dynamique
I was gona say, youve all been very friendly, til the guy above, :( I want a sport lol! Cant get insurance!! Next car though, definatley!!!! LOL! I love my car! SOOOOO WHOO CARES LOL!
