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New to photography...Tips???

  A few
Got myself a new camera today. I got that Kodak M1073IS. Looks decent enough, and i thought at 10.2 mega pixels it should be decent.

Anyway, i would like a few simple tips on how to get decent photo's. I today took some of my car and some looked a bit blurred and dark.

Help would be much appreciated.

  Mk2 ph1 clio
megapixels doesn't always mean its a good camera, although you will be able to print/blow up your image sbetter than a lesser one.

If your images is too dark try putting the ISO up or using the flash.

As for the blurred images thats probably down to your hand shaking. If you can use a tripod! Although i would have thought your camera would compensate for hand shake with the image stabilization and blur reduction technology it has...

What mode did you have the camera on? Was it on Auto?
  A few
megapixels doesn't always mean its a good camera, although you will be able to print/blow up your image sbetter than a lesser one.

If your images is too dark try putting the ISO up or using the flash.

As for the blurred images thats probably down to your hand shaking. If you can use a tripod! Although i would have thought your camera would compensate for hand shake with the image stabilization and blur reduction technology it has...

What mode did you have the camera on? Was it on Auto?

Yes it was on auto. After reading a few topics on here, ive seen that having your camera in auto doesnt benefit your photohraphy.

I think im going to go out in the morning to take a few pics. What mode should i use then? I guess it wouldnt be the ISO because it would be too bright/light.
  BMW E92/Audi S3
Megapixel is based on size mate. As long as the camera is high quality and sometimes having brilliant photoshop skills will help.
Any advice needed, drop me a PM.
  Mk2 ph1 clio
Its difficult to say without seeing what the lighting conditions are like.

for low light settings you can use a low Fstop something around F4 if your camera can go that low or a higher ISO setting.. although this can create noise on the image.

Take a few photos, change the ISO up gradualy to see what gives you the best shots, play around with the F stop too.
  1.2 Dynamique billabong
this is from a thread i posted on another forum but it may explain some basic terms for you

Aperture - this is the hole in the lens which lets light through, it can be made bigger and small, much like the pupil of your eye, this size of the hole is measured in f stops/numbers.
this bit is a little confusing at first but the smaller the hole the larger the f number


large f number (f22) small aperture .......... small f number (f2.8) large aperture

Shutter Speed - this is the amount of time the shutter stays open, allowing light to fall on the film/ sensor

- on a digital camera this is the digital equivalent of film speed. high iso settings will enable you to shoot in low light conditions, however high iso setting cause heavy grain / noise just like a high speed film (note that digital noise is far more destructive to an image than proper film grain)

Exposure - this is the overall effect caused by relationship between aperture and shutter speed. for example if an image is underexposed not enough light is reaching the sensor/film, this is either because the shutter speed it too fast or the aperture(hole) is too small

Bracketing - is a technique used in difficult lighting condition where there are areas of strong highlights and shadow. in order to capture the perfect exposure 3 seperate image must be taken, metering for the highlights, midtones and shadow.


-1 ........................... 0 (correct exposure) ......................+1

Depth of Field - The amount of area that is infocus infront of the subject in the ratio 1/3 infront and 2/3 behind. this area is determined by the selection of aperture
for a large depth of field use a large f number (f22) (small aperture), for a small depth of field use a small f number (f2.8) (large aperture)

example of f2.8

example of f8
  A few
Thanks for the reply's guys. I have done abit of photoshop in the past, nothing amazing and tbh i only know basic types of tools on there. Such as creating borders :).
  Rally bus
and i thought at 10.2 mega pixels it should be decent.

Don't believe the camera manufacturer hype, more megapixels does not mean a better camera or better quality images.... 3.1 sharp megapixels are better than 10.2 blurred ones!

Read the guide at the top of the page and the manual and then practice lots!
