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newbie and confused

  clio dynamic
hi im new here today and this is my first post . im looking to put on a stainless twin exit exhaust to my wifes 1.4 clio dynamic , can anyone point me in right direction or can i use a clio sport twin exit?????/?/ HELP!!!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Did have a R27
Has it got alloys or you just aiming for an Exhaust. My opinon i would save your dough and buy a nice 182 or 172 they have come down in price. But thats just my opinon.
  RS6 C7
you cant put a standard 182 exhaust on as a 1.4 has a wheel well in the back, The 182 doesnt. Ktec do one that goes round it though but its expensive.
  clio dynamic
put a nice set of 17" tsw wheels on , just looking to make it look a bit nicer , so any ideas or pics greatly appreciated folks , as for buying 182 , thats out for now lol , :(:(:(
  Octavia VRS LE
17's are too big for a clio, and ktec do a stanless steel twin exhaust i think its around 350 quid.. which is an expensive exhaust when yu could go to a custom exhaust maker.
