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Newbie but long time Renault Sport fan

  Clio 182
Hey all,

Thanks for accepting me on the forum. I am from South Africa.
I am a long term Sport fan with having owned a 172,182, 197 and a Megane II R26. Sadly those were all sold over the years and regretted
it but life happens.
I now own a 2004 stripped out 182 with 172 dash front end and bumper.
Currently stock barring a set of Cams, full exhaust and intake.
I will definitely be picking your brains in a new thread.

Thanks so much, look forward to chatting with you all.


ClioSport Club Member
Always really liked the ph1 front end, but the rear put me off a bit. This looks like the best of both worlds.
I've never run harnesses, but I've heard that bolting them to the floor can be quite bad for you in an accident, I'd do some research, plus the rear is calling out for a cage anyway!


ClioSport Club Member
Yea you'd be safer with the original seat belts, especially as you've taken the air bag out as well. Install a roll cage, get a harness bar built into it and then you're much better.

Also buy some genuine harnesses from someone like OMP
  Clio 182
Yeah, roll cage with Harness bar is on the cards.
Just trying to get her to run right at the moment, I also have some niggles to sort out.

Thanks Gents for the feedabck
