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Newbie from Banbury

  DCI 80
Phew... just did a 9hour round trip to near the southcoast and back yesterday to pick up my funky lil hologram grey Dci80!

And then today thanks to the sun I have been forced to spend the whole day outside clay bar'ing and waxing etc! :cool: Life is good! Was going to get a black one, but very glad about the grey now... looks sooo good after a bit of meguiars! :D

Hellooooo to one and all!
  DCI 80
I am indeed! And as soon as I get two secs spare tommorow I shall try and become the stereophonics song 'local boy in the photograph' and pop a couple of pics up! :D
  DCI 80
Ah yes... I do remember something like that amid a mead fuelled haze! :rasp:

And as for Tart... weren't you the one who's painting your calipers pink or summat tommorow? ;) teehee
