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Newbie to the forum

  Clio 1.2 Extreme 3d
Signed up to this forum just for bits and bobs of advice on my 2002 Clio 1.2 (supposedly 'extreme')

I got this car last summer for uni, and it has been a practical and useful car for what I need. Only problem is, 1.2 engines and the 26% gradient hills of Aberystwyth make this possibly the slowest car in existence.

Now although I am a young driver (22yo), I am not a boy racer or anything similar. I am just fed up of taking ages to get up the hills.

Ideally I would just purchase a larger engine clio, as I am happy with the style of the car in general. Unfortunately, I don't have the funds and unless something special happens I won't be getting a new car any time soon.

This leaves one option, make do with what I've got. Now I don't want to put any serious money into this car, as I realise the potential of the engine and car in general is pretty small.

My plans would be to get a set of non-chavvy second hand alloys, lower the car slightly, clean the engine bay thoroughly and maybe some other mods like a front strut brace.

I will try and get some pictures of the car up tomorrow, but in the mean time could I have some suggestions for what else to do? The car is silver in case this affects anything!
  clio 182 'full fat'
buy the 182 interior (half leather)
as for non chavy alloys how about upgrading to 172 or 182 alloys? 16's probs your best bet handling wise
i used to own a clio 1.4 had it lowered 60mm and 17's on it
looked awesome ill try find some pics :)
i bought an aftermarket airfilter for my 1.2 i had years ago (in my boy racer days) and that actually gave the car alot more power! worth a try
  clio 182 'full fat'
also you can pick up clio sports for reasonably cheap or how about upgrading to a 1.6 16v?
im also 22 and have just been able to take the leap to a sport for insurance reasons
just work your way up the ladder slowly, better than wasting loads of money on your 1.2 if you aint happy with it
  Clio 1.2 Extreme 3d
i'm considering upgrading to a clio sport, I can't justify spending any money on a 1.2! How much would a 2002 1.2 Clio go for? It has nearly 90k miles (mostly motorway), 4 owners from new (2 of which were family members, another being a family friend). Generally good condition although the alloys are slightly scuffed and the petrol flap was snapped off.
  Stripped yozza'd cup
You should have called yourself AberChriswyth, but there we go.

Welcome mate. Depending on what age your car is, surely you could sell it for a ph1 172 would cost you?
  Clio 1.2 Extreme 3d
good point about the name, I've let myself down there!

Well it's on an 02 plate so I think you're right, I should be able to pick up a reasonable ph1 172 without adding much extra cash on top. This is the new plan I guess.
  Stripped yozza'd cup
good point about the name, I've let myself down there!

Well it's on an 02 plate so I think you're right, I should be able to pick up a reasonable ph1 172 without adding much extra cash on top. This is the new plan I guess.

You can change your name now that you're a paid up member.
A very tidy ph1 can be had for < £2000. You shouldn't be far off that if your car is tidy.
