might have been me, I sometimes go home that way after work.Quote: Originally posted by geordiepaul on 03 April 2003
Yeah Im always around!!
Saw a Cup parked behind the building where I work just at the end of the Tyne Bridge the other week. Was it you?
Havent seen that many cups to be honest, though one did pass me at the end of the Redheugh Bridge. Was that you?
Could well have been me in that case, I often travel bast Benfield FIAT , past the Centre for life on my way to the Redheugh bridge. What colour is your chariot?Quote: Originally posted by geordiepaul on 03 April 2003
Did you see me? Just at the back of the Centre of Life.
I should meet up with you Cup guys and show you what a proper 172 goes like!
More than like;y to have been me. I sometimes go that way and go down the quayside and over the swing bridge, other times i go over the redeugh.Quote: Originally posted by geordiepaul on 03 April 2003
Saw you (or someone else) coming through the lights just past the Alfa and Fiat garage I was turning to head towards the bridge and you were going towards the quayside. It was Friday last week.
Yeah lets.Quote: Originally posted by Cuppy 172 on 03 April 2003
We should all meet up some time?
Could have had that on a 172!Quote: Originally posted by KeithO on 15 April 2003
Still I am looking forward to my Climate Control, Cruise Control and shopping hooks in my new one...