I would imagine that usenet is safer than file sharing as far as the long arm of the law is concerned. Firstly I think the buzz-word is 'File Sharing'. File Sharing is the scum of The Earth etc. etc. As Griff says, if you're not uploading and sharing the files, then you're far less likely to be drawing attention to yourself.
I would also imagine that shutting down usenet would be a near impossible task. Essentially the companies just offer server space and bandwidth. It's a service provided and they are totally absolved of any content that people may or may not choose to upload to their servers. Similarly, websites like Newzbin simply provide an indexing service to binaries that may or may not be illegal, and again, they have no control over what their service might find on usenet.
Usenet will never be 'shutdown', and even if a major attack was launched at the users, the only parties likely to get stung are serial uploaders. File sharing networks on the other hand are far easier to target as the cause of all evil in our society.
Personally I think the movie industry, for example, is getting greedy with it's constant babbling about piracy. I'd be willing to bet that sales have increased ten fold since the advent of DVD movies. 95% must be genuine sales with only a small number of people with the means or internet connection to download them. By banging on about piracy, all they are really doing is making more people aware of the illegal channels which they can use to obtain copyrighted movies.
It's a little like the regional coding fiasco - early adopters and importers (such as myself) were always going to have the means to overcome regional coding. The other group of casual mainstream buyers would never have known about the benefits of importing, were it not for the regional coding being adopted by the DVD Forum in the first place.
I'm going off on a bit of a tangent here...:S