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Nexus 7


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Anyone got one? Looking to get the girlfriend one for xmas. Is it big enough for browsing the web etc, ideal choice would be an ipad but its more than i want to spend.
  133/225/CLS AMG
I bought one today, spent a few hours playing with it and must admit it's a very good bit of kit. Certainly as capable as the iPad (I have an iPad 3), screen is clear and it's obviously very good value in comparison.

Doesn't feel as designer as the Apple products, I've always found them to be very tactile and feel excellent quality. The Nexus is light though and doesn't feel cheap at all, I'll be using it naked (not me the device) where as I put my Apple stuff in a case anyway, daft but they cost a lot so want to keep them mint.

I'd recommend one, just be prepared to play with the settings and customising as there's more to change and play with than on the iPad. Things are more hidden away but it doesn't take long to realise what's where. :)
  Bumder With A Buffer
I have one. But its going back soon.

Bought it 2 months ago and it has the lovely Screen flicker going on with it.

  182 T
Go and have a go on one in Currys or PC World mate, Although they're not logged into Google so you can't really get a decent idea of them but you can pick it up and browse a few websites etc. I've got one and I like it but I'm a nerd and I'm short so the 7 is fine for me.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
It's not for me, tbh I'm sure it will be fine. It's good knowing when you take pictures it will link up to the nexus like the iPhone/ipad does


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
A friend works in sainsburys and she gets fifteen percent discount so works out at 170 for the 32gb one, winner :)
Bonus, I was gonna paste this...

I was going for iPad mini for girlfriend but everywhere sold out and I aint spending 350 for the 32gb..

This nexus 7 offer came along and people say they are very good. Also saw this comment on youtube....

Nexus 7 tablet is great for everything from gaming, to reading and watching movies. The iPad mini is outdated, with it's screen that can't even display true HD and it's CPU. The only reason I would get an iPad mini is if I already owned other apple products, other then that Nexus 7 is the best choice for most people.
  Changes to often
Buy them from the Google play store there 159 for the 16gb only 3 days delivery, that's where I got mine from, everywhere else is sold out.
  RX7 FD
Click on the above link.....ebuyer have plenty. For £30 more you could of had 32GB + Free case and free 3-5 day delivery.

No brainer :cool:
