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No Claims Protection


  Pink/Blue 182

If you can afford the extra GET doubt about it.....saved us a fortune in light of recent events.

Lee would of been looking at possibly 4 times his policy if he hadnt had protected no it is it should only be about a 25% increas on his policy......(have to wait til its all sorted before we get confimation though.)....which means its still cheaper to insure than his modded golf !


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.


Anybody driving around without no-claims protection (and with no claims bonus) needs their head read!

yea havent u gota be over certain age, over certain no claims 2 be able 2 protect it

id love 2 protect my 2 years but i cant :-(



Ive always had it. Came in handy a few years ago when I had a car written off. Without it Id not have been able to afford to buy a 6 month old Pug 306 GTi-6 :D as my insrurance would have been too high.

Shame Im still playing roughly the same. But as loony said yesterday, points mean........a sore arse come insurance time.
