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Noisy Steering

  2004 Racing Blue 182

Hey all, had my valver for just over a week now and have to say, its the best car ive ever driven, i cant help but smile when i put my foot down. WOW

im not sure if this is normal but it sure as hell doesnt sound normal!!! when i turn the steering wheel and put the car to full lock a get a very loud screeching noise! is this normal, or should i get it checked out??? its a 93 K phase one if thats any help.

any tips/advice would be greatly appriciated.

Thanx, Mike.
  Revels Mum & Sister

Hi ya mate

I have a kinda similar thing. I know BenR has this problem.

Will be either the Power steering Pump or the Power steering pump belt.

You will be Ok for a while mate. No desperate panic. If you have the cash then have it looked at to confirm its this matey!!

Its the belt if its a screech that lasts as long as you hold full lock......jsut dont put WD40 on it or something lol.....

just get it changed or if not, its a simple job but needs alot of unbolts of parts......which is annoying, the main reason why i havent gotten round to doing mine! lol.

when i 1st bought my clio i had that screeching noise , so the garage said i should try some power steering fluid conditioner which helps prevent leaks and squeels , and that sorted it for 5.99 or summin !
