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noob alert


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Just bought a new laptop, but need some help:eek:

I cant seem to use my existing wireless Netgear router. When setting up new network devices, it can see it, good signal etc, i have the Network key code, but when i view it, it says limited access? I can use the LAN cable directly plugged into it no bother?ried the support set up, asks for the Network code, which it accepts, but wont connect Any thoughts (btw i'm a computer noob :eek:)



ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
yep, its this limited acess thing i dont get. I have the code, so why's it limited? Hmmmmm?!
  57 Clio Campus Sport
When this happened to me it was because the driver for my wireless USB dongle was out of date when I upgraded to windows 7. Try running windows update just to make sure there no updates to do with the built in equipment


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Win! The r****d that i am was typing in the wrong network key. Reading fail ftl :(
  57 Clio Campus Sport
I know ours of by heart now, I've had to enter it so many times. Think there's about 12 things connected in our house, had to enter it on old modem, then when changed to wpa then when changed to new modem on everything
